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The next morning, Phuwin was the first to wake up, he prepared everything before his older brother and younger brother woke up. After waiting a while, the two of them also went downstairs and observed a bit. Phuwin saw that Dunk's face was quite pale.

"Dunk, you don't look very well."

"It's okay, I drank too much yesterday so I lost a little sleep."

Dunk replied, after that he didn't say anything more, the three of them waited for their fathers to come and give some instructions and then set out for the West. In fact, with the abilities of S-class hunters like them, it only took about half a day to travel. The three also quickly found the location of the letter


Adal Institute.

In front of Dunk, Phuwin and Fourth is a huge library painted in a very ancient deep brown color, feeling like it has existed here for thousands of years. Stepping inside slowly, the door automatically opened to welcome them. The smell of books wafted through the air. As soon as they entered, they could smell it immediately. Having determined the location of the library guard, the three brothers approached

"Hello, what are you looking for?"

The three brothers clasped their hands together in greeting. The person in front of them was an old man with round glasses, his beard and hair were all white, wearing a brown khaki shirt that was a bit old but very neat.

"Dear, we want to find out information about people with Platinum bloodline"

The old man nodded

"Second floor, third room in the innermost row has the information you are looking for, this is the key to open the door"

After saying that, the old man gave the boys a yellow key.

"What about information about the Harit family?"

Fourth asked. When he finished listening, the old man quickly looked up at the boys, looking surprised

"Why are you Hunters learning about this clan? It's a Vampire clan, and it's already extinct?"

Faced with his questioning, the three brothers looked at each other awkwardly for a while. The old man said nothing and tossed the boys a key.

"Third floor, fifth room, middle row, go."

Receiving the key from him, the boys bowed their heads in thanks again and then headed up to the room.

"Let me go to the third floor. Dunk and Fourth will look for information about the Platinum family. If there's anything important, write it down."

Phuwin spoke up

"Okay, what are you waiting for in the lobby?"

Dunk said, then threw the key to Phuwin, the three of them divided into two rooms to search and collect information.


Dunk and Fourth smoothly unlocked the room and entered the innermost row. This library was indeed very large, books stacked up to the top. The two split up and started searching for books about the Platinum family. After a long time, they still couldn't find anything. All write almost exclusively about the history of their development.

Searching all two rows of books but without success, Fourth scratched his head and looked at the old bookshelf at the top, it seemed like the two brothers hadn't found it yet. Fourth jumped onto the hard red-brown carpet on the floor, which immediately lifted her up. Controlling it to move to the high bookshelf, Fourth rummaged through each book one by one but still couldn't find anything special. As I was about to fly down, I saw a book stuck in the corner. It was in the dark so few people noticed. Maybe because few people used it, the cover of the book became quite old.

"Platinum and Resurrection"

Gently reading the name of the book, Fourth opened it suspiciously, his eyes lit up, he looked without blinking and his hands began to turn the pages of the book.

"Hey, look at this"

Fourth jumped down and gave the book to Dunk. Dunk opened the book and read

"It is possible to revive people with the blood of the Platinum family. To revive a dead or dying person, one only needs to have the substance of 7 or more B-level hunters with Platinum blood..."

Dunk read through the basic ideas of this page. Because the book was so old, the text was a bit faded, some of the other leads couldn't be read, but in the end they found the reason why the seven hunters in the family Your clan was captured.

"For the revived person to live completely, there must be..."

At this point, the page ended. Dunk continued to flip to the next page to read and discovered that it had been torn. Closing the book, the two decided to go up to Phuwin's room.


Phuwin walked into the room, went to the row of books that the old man talked about, he looked around for a while, took out a book recording the history of the Harit family, read it through, understanding roughly what this family was. once developed very strongly, surviving on the production of drugs and medicines. The whole clan went through 17 masters, the last generation was ruled by Nat Sakdatorn, the whole clan died during the white cleansing. Phuwin looked at the photo of Nat Sakdatorn attached to the book. He was a middle-aged man and looked very dangerous.

"In the book, it says he has three children, two boys and a girl, but why are there only two pictures here of a boy and a girl?"

Phuwin looked at the remaining two photos and thought. He looked back at the place where he took the book out. He didn't see any photos falling out. It was strange, or maybe the child was too young to take a photo. Phuwin put the book back. Looking through the gap between the stacks of books, he saw something in the book in the back row that caught his attention. Walking around to that row of books, Phuwin took out that book, looking at the title "The Mystery of the Blood Purification", Phuwin did not hesitate to open and read it.

The blood purification took place in this very month 5 years ago, that day, although it was daytime, the sky was like night, the sky in all families was blood red, and in the Harit family, A black vortex appeared, electric lightning emanated from that black hole, not only that, there were also red sparks falling into Harit's territory, like like a rain of fire. People say that their family is being punished for producing illegal drugs that endanger the lives of other families.

By the time the rain of fire stopped and the black swirling hole disappeared, it was nightfall. The clan leaders all came to survey the situation. They recounted that when entering Harit territory, the ground turned the color of blood, corpses of the Harit clan were lying everywhere. When they entered the castle, what they saw was Nat Sakdatorn and his wife and children lying in the middle of the main hall, blood flowing around.

"After that, I saw a bloody figure standing high, his eyes were dark red. Without saying a word, he suddenly disappeared. That person was Naravit Lertratkosum."

Phuwin read this far, although he had heard about this cleansing before, but at that time he was more often in the human world, and rarely cared about worldly affairs, so he did not pay attention to which family was destroyed. as well as who took action.

Phuwin was so engrossed in reading a book that he didn't notice that behind him, in the corner of the room, there was a pair of eyes staring at him. He was all black from top to bottom, covered with a hood.

"Phuwin Tangsakyuen"

He muttered your name, then walked out the door. As soon as he walked out, Dunk and Fourth also walked in. They bumped into each other. They quickly pulled their hats tight and walked away. Dunk and Fourth looked at him strangely, but then ignored them and walked into the room.

" Phuwin, we have information, tell us about the family clearly"

Dunk spoke up


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