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Everything is ready for the purification of the Harit clan. This time there must be no mistakes. Phuwin has been being bothered so much lately, every time he goes out with Sanya it's like there's another person following. Dunk took care of the preparation of the force. This time, he only needed to choose quality hunters, not quantity, A-level hunters or higher were the best choice. As for Fourth, he diligently researched how to blend into their residence. There were many aliens guarding the outside, so he needed to find a reasonable way to avoid attracting attention as much as possible.

Finally, the day of purification has come, the day when you bet yourselves on the prepared plan. Dunk, Phuwin, Fourth equipped themselves with full weapons and began their first steps into their territory.

The sky has gradually turned dark, today the sky is grayer than usual, dark clouds are gathering to cover the sky, there have been a few flashes of lightning, making the whole sky glow and then return to its previous state. Thunder also sounded continuously but there was still no rain. Behind a certain window, there was a figure standing looking at the sky, holding a glass of wine in one hand, the other in his pants pocket. He looked into the distance, where a red swirl appeared in the sky. Raising an infinitely deep voice, he coldly let out a sentence

"It's finally time, isn't it?"

He turned around, revealing his attractive amber eyes, looking at the two people sitting opposite

"Pond, if you want to use that method again to kill him, I'm afraid it won't work anymore, he's much stronger now"

Joong spoke up

That year, Pond used his own blood to create a special matrix, which was considered a sacrifice of half of Pond's life. Remember when Pond brought his bloody body back home, Joong and Gemini were very frightened by his recklessness. It took Pond a year of recuperation to fully recover his body
and abilities. Now that old Nat has become stronger, which means that if Pond uses this method again, not only half of his life will be taken away, but also his whole life will be taken away. That's why Joong is preventing Pond from using that method to destroy the Harit family.

"If it's my last choice, I'll do it"

"You! I really can't stop you"

Gemini spoke up helplessly.

"Let's go, if you stay here, there will be someone in danger."

Pond left a sentence, of course the person they were most worried about being in danger could only be their loved one. Without saying anything more, the three figures opened the door and walked out.


Dunk, Phuwin and Fourth are currently standing on the cliff that Phuwin and Sanya discovered, observing the surrounding situation.

"Fourth, can you locate him?"

Fourth used his navigation ability

"Why, why are there so many locations?"

In Fourth's mind, there appeared not only one location but many, all of which were old Nat's location, but he didn't know which location was correct, all were confused, even Sing and Sing's location. So does Ray.

"Perhaps there was signal interference."

Phuwin spoke up, this is even more dangerous, sneaking in there will definitely become more difficult, if you are careless you may even be discovered.

"Let's do this, let me go in and scout first."

"No, if something happens, we won't be able to arrive on time."

"Look, isn't that Joong's dad?"

Fourth spoke up, that time all three of them had met Joong's father when they went to rescue Fourth, so they knew each other. Phuwin and Dunk followed Fourth's gaze, he was indeed entering the Harit's base.

"Let's go, follow him"

Dunk said

"Wait, first we have to hide the smell of blood and pretend to be a foreigner."

Phuwin said, immediately the three of them disguised themselves as aliens, then quickly followed Joong's father after instructing the hunters to stand here and wait for the signal, as well as wait for Sanya to arrive. Sanya led his army the other way, they would gather here.

To avoid attracting attention, the three decided to separate, relying on Phuwin's brain waves to chat. Fourth, except for the three people, Nat, Sing and Ray, who couldn't locate the others, he still could, so it was easier to avoid people.

Fourth walked into a hallway with few people, but there seemed to be a lot of security, so he had to be very careful to avoid them. While passing by a room, Fourth had to stop because he heard some strange sounds. It attracted his attention. Fourth used a small spell to punch a small hole and looked in. Fourth couldn't believe what was happening before his eyes, on that bed weren't Sing and Ray, but what were they doing, Ray was moaning contentedly under Sing's body. Fourth saw it for the first time
this kind of thing, my whole body felt hot. I suddenly missed a step and accidentally made a noise


Sing's voice rang out in the room, Fourth frantically hid in a dark corner, his heart beat fast because of nervousness and fear. When the door opened, Sing looked around searching, when he was about to walk towards him, luckily. Luckily, a stranger appeared

"Sir, Mr. Nat, please call Mr. Sing and Mr. Ray."

Hearing this information, waiting for Sing to enter the room, Fourth quickly told his brothers that he met Ray and Sing, they were going to meet old Pat.

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