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"Mr. Nat, please give me a little more time."

The voice that rang out was none other than Joong's father

"You're wasting my time, do you think I have enough patience?"

"Please, give me a moment, I will bring him to you."

"No need anymore, I changed my mind, you can bring me someone else. For example... Phuwin Tangsakyuen"

Old Nat looked straight into Joong's father's face and said those words, his eyes became sinister and bloodshot, his smile became more mischievous than ever.


As soon as Joong returned to the family, he ran straight to his room to find his father. Throw the paper straight on the desk.

"Dad, what is this, is this true?"

Joong's father looked at the paper and knew what Joong was talking about. He closed the notebook on the table and turned to look at Joong.

" Yes, it's true"

"Dad, what are you talking about? How could you do such a wretched thing?"

"But it happened, you should know, you and he are not on the same front line, now what you should do is listen to me, that Tangsakyuen family, needs to be destroyed."

"Dad, you told me to kill them? When I can't remember anything about the past, why did I lose my memory?"

"I told you, your memory loss was due to being attacked by hunters, that's why you have to consider them your enemies."

Joong stood still, telling him to believe in what his father said, many of which were true. Joong really used his own dirty hands to harm the person he loved. Returning to the room in a depressed state, leaning against the cold wall, wondering why I couldn't remember anything, including that night.

" Ahh"

Joong's head started to hurt after he tried to force himself to remember. Slow-motion memories appeared in his mind about forcing someone to take medicine and then sucking blood. It was he who really harmed you, it was he who pushed Dunk almost to his death. There are no words that can describe all the pain and pain in my heart right now. Looking at the hands that once caused a mistake to the person you love, you must realize that you are truly a miserable person. Immediately Joong could only scream loudly, shouting and punching the wall with his hands until his hands were covered in blood. He wanted to make it up to him, but now he didn't even dare to ask for forgiveness, so what qualifications did he have to make it up to him? And outside the door, Ray was smiling a hidden, scheming smile. He gently turned around and returned to the room.


A few days have passed since Dunk said goodbye to Joong, Phuwin hates vampires more and more, Fourth broke off relations with Gemini, the three of them returned to their previous lives, except that they were planning plan to destroy the Harit family. Phuwin was sitting and fiddling with the ring on his hand when Sanya walked over

"Phuwin, I heard that there have been some strange phenomena in the eastern area of ​​my family these past few days. Shall we go see tomorrow night?"

"Okay, if it's a group of aliens or Vampires, then just send them back to the West."

Phuwin said, still fondling his silver ring. Sanya looked at him for a while then put her hand on his cheek and forehead

"Hey Phuwin, are you okay? You have cold."

"It's okay, just a slight cold, it's nothing to a hunter like me."

"Don't be too confident, remember before I went to the West, there was a time when you were sick. When you went hunting and encountered a high-ranking enemy, you almost fainted. I had to worry for a while."

"It's okay, if you're worried, I'm not afraid"

Phuwin smiled and joked with Sanya, this was his habit when he was around him, always teasing him and depending on him if possible, because Sanya followed Phuwin's wishes to the fullest, and also cared for him a lot, like now Now, knowing he had a slight cold, he ran to cook porridge for him to eat. Phuwin looked at his back disappearing behind the door, smiled, shook his head and continued to sit and enjoy the wind.

"P' Phuwinnnn, are the cakes finished, there's no more in the house?"

From afar, Fourth's voice echoed straight into Phuwin's ears. He had just been enjoying the breeze for a bit and was already being disturbed by his younger brother.

" It's over"

Fourth stood at the door receiving Phuwin's answer, his face began to distort, looking sad.

"It's already sold out, I'll have to go buy more later"


Fourth was standing in front of the bakery looking back and forth looking for his favorite cake

"Sister, are you out of grape flavored macarons?"

"Sorry, that cake just ran out, the guy on the other side has already bought it all."

Fourth looked back in the direction the employee was pointing and saw a young man holding boxes of his favorite flavor of macarons as he walked away. Feeling a bit sorry for himself, he sat down at a small table in the shop and cried silently, having to wait a few more times ,a new batch of cakes.

"Do you want this cake?"

Fourth heard this voice and immediately raised his head. The person in front of him was bowing his head down to ask her a question. That person was wearing a simple outfit, a light beige shirt and jacket, black pants, on his face. That beautiful face smiled, holding a box of macarons and holding it up in front of her

"Do you want it? I'll give it to you!"

"But it's not good like this, I'm so shy, we just met for the first time."

Fourth faltered in reply

"It's okay, I saw you asking about this cake. I thought your expression when you ran out of cake was very cute, so I wanted to give it to you."

"Really, this much..."

"It's okay, just take it"

"thank you."

Fourth happily accepted the cake, his eyes sparkled

"My name is Ray"

Fourth looked up at him, his brain had to work for a while before he could react

"Ah, my name is Fourth, nice to meet you"

"Hey, I often come here to buy cakes. This is my favorite shop. If we have fate, let's meet again next time. I will buy cakes for you at that time. I have to go now. I have to go first"

Ray finished speaking and patted Fourth's head

"Yes, thank you, see you again"

Fourth's heart pounding was made by Ray's action of patting his head. He gently looked after that figure until it disappeared completely behind the door.

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