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This chapter contains H, the language contains 18+ elements, it is not imposed on real life characters, if you feel uncomfortable, please click back


Joong carried Dunk into his room, gently kicked the door with his foot, not paying attention to whether it was closed or not, and let him lie down on his bed. He continued to kiss him. It took Dunk a while to get used to this kiss. He let himself go and began to immerse himself in it with Joong. Joong greedily sucked all the sweet nectar from Dunk's mouth, the slurping sound echoed throughout the room.

Letting go of Dunk's lips, Joong continued to find his neck, passionately nibbling and sucking. Dunk's hands curled into Joong's hair, letting him roam his body, gently tilting his face up to the ceiling, Dunk gasped with each kiss. I don't know when Joong's hand found his shirt, opened the top three buttons, pulled down the shirt on his shoulder, then continued to kiss his shoulder, creating dark red kiss marks.

"Dunk, give it to me"

Joong's voice rang out gently, he looked at him with passionate eyes, Dunk also looked at him for a long time, without saying anything more, proactively pulled his head down to kiss him, his lips and tongue entangled endlessly until Dunk was malnourished. The gas stopped again. Joong unbuttoned the remaining two buttons of his shirt and took off his upper body shirt for him. Looking at the smooth skin displayed before his eyes, he couldn't help but bend down and play with one side of his nipple, while the other side was massaged and cared for by his hands.


Suddenly aroused, Dunk moaned softly, realizing that he had just made an embarrassed sound. Dunk blushed and bit his lower lip.

"Just moan, I want to hear it"

After Joong finished speaking, he continued his work. After playing with his nipples until they became erect, he slowly dragged his tongue down his stomach and waist, placing a few more red kiss marks. His hands groped down to his lower body, unbuttoned his pants, skillfully locked them, and quickly took them all off for him.

Now he no longer had any clothes to cover his body, his entire beauty was exposed before his eyes.

"Don't look like that"

Dunk spoke up. He smiled and took off his shirt, revealing his toned six-pack abs. Dunk couldn't help but touch it. Joong bent down and continued to kiss his chest, his hand reaching down to gently stroke his inner thigh, then grabbed his penis and massaged it. Dunk was slightly startled when he suddenly touched his penis, his body arched slightly because of this new stimulation, this pushed his chest even tighter against his face.

He began to gently stroke Dunk's brother up and down, causing him to let out a few soft moans. The room temperature gradually increased even though the night here was very cold.


Dunk couldn't take it anymore, he cried out and shot out on his hand, now his whole body was red, trying to regulate his breathing. Joong didn't say anything, used the semen he just shot out as lubricant, and inserted a finger directly into his back.


Dunk screamed again, this unforeseen intrusion made him surprised and painful, clearly feeling Joong's fingers harassing his anus.

"Relax, Dunk, or it will hurt."

Dunk didn't know what to do. Listening to him, he just tried to relax. After a while, after gradually getting used to the intrusion, he added a second and then a third finger. Now he felt extremely painful, one finger made him breathe up and down, now three fingers were wreaking havoc inside him.

"Ah... Joong... It hurts"

Dunk's cry of pain made Joong feel a little sad, but at this point, he must continue to comfort him

"Be good, it's okay... It'll be easier later"

His three fingers continued to grope Dunk's insides for a while. Dunk gradually got used to it and no longer felt pain, on the contrary, there was an itchy feeling. Seeing that he had loosened up enough, Joong pulled out three of his fingers. The bottom suddenly felt empty, making Dunk uncomfortable

"Joong... Annoying"

He spoke, he knew it was time, he took off his lower body, his huge penis was exposed before Dunk's eyes, making him completely freeze. It's that big, it has a few veins, that thing will stick into your back, you'll die. Seeing Dunk's scared expression when he saw his penis, Joong smiled slightly, leaned down and kissed him lightly on the lips as if to reassure him, then from out of nowhere, there was a bottle of lubricant in his hand. He poured it directly onto his hand and then brought it to his anus. The cool feeling from the liquid made Dunk shiver. Then Joong continued to use a little more to rub his penis, then he pushed his legs up, revealing his pulsating anus. Without hesitating any longer, he pushed his penis inside.


Dunk cried out when his huge penis began to penetrate. Only half way in, he was already in pain like death, his eyes had a tear just waiting to fall. Joong sat and waited for him to get used to being under him, then he penetrated deep inside him

"Ah... Pain"

Dunk screamed, his hand pinched Joong's back, leaving a few exciting scratches, his anus squeezed as a foreign object entered.

" Dunk... Relax... You're so tight inside."

Joong continued to comfort Dunk, inside him was so tight and hot that it completely covered his penis. Just thrusting in made him feel crazy happy. He moved forward to kiss him, skillfully pushing his tongue inside to play to distract his attention, then began to move. At first he only moved slightly, but then it became faster

"Ah... Um... Slow down"

Dunk cried out. Joong was now immersed in lust. He ignored what he said and continued to thrust in and out of his penis. Dunk was stabbed repeatedly by him and couldn't help but let out a seductive moan. His moans kept ringing in his ears, successfully driving him crazy and becoming stronger, his penis was also big.

"Ah... No... Too fast"

" Call my name"

Dunk gasped, not hearing anything, he gently kissed his eyelids

"Be good, call my name Dunk"

"Ah Joong... Joong..."

Hearing Dunk call his name, Joong smiled with satisfaction, he began to thrust faster and harder, Dunk began to feel used to his pace, his moans became more seductive, his legs clamped tightly. onto his waist. Joong bent down to his neck, gently biting the hollow of his neck, then used his sharp fangs to bite into his veins, enjoying a bit of the sweet taste from his blood. Dunk was bitten but he didn't feel any more pain, on the contrary, he felt another wave of pleasure. Finally, he shot it all inside him. Looking at his panting face, Joong gently stroked his sweat-stained hair. Wanting to do more, but it was almost dawn, he carried him to the bathroom, washed him, took out all the things inside for him, then hugged him to bed and slept.

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