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" Ray..."

"What's wrong, aren't you happy to see me?"

Ray came closer and hugged Joong. Ray's return made Joong really unexpected, his arms were hanging down, standing motionless. Waiting until he released him and then turned to hug his parents, Joong woke up

"Why are you here, we have nothing else to talk about?"

"I'm sorry for disappearing without saying a word before, I had my own reasons, but this time I came back to mend my relationship with you, my mother also agreed to let me stay here."

" But I do not agree"

Joong answered bluntly

"I have no intention of mending our relationship with you, I already have a lover."

"Joong, I told you not to hang out with him, right now you have to be with Ray"

"That's right Joong, listen to dad, didn't you say you wanted to marry Ray before? Now that Ray is back, we will get you married."

"I said... I... Don't... Want"

Joong emphasized each word, then left everything behind and went up to his room. Ray watched Joong disappear, his eyes had changed to become more sinister than ever, no longer as innocent and gentle as before.

Joong locked himself in his room until late at night. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Ray waiting there, a meal in his hand.

"Joong, are you hungry? I made you food."

"I'm not hungry, you can eat alone"

He ignored Ray and went down to the room, went to the cabinet, took out a bottle of wine, poured it into a glass and sipped. Seeing that the house was unusually quiet, he turned to ask

"Where are my parents?"

"Your parents said they were going out tonight, so they told me to take care of you."

" No need"

After saying that, Joong put the wine glass back on the table, took his coat in his hand and walked towards the door

" Where are you going?"

Joong didn't answer and just walked away. After all, his parents weren't here. Tonight he wanted to go find Dunk.


Dunk was sitting in Dew's bar, holding his favorite glass of Whiskey and immersing himself in the melodious music of the bar, Fourth was sitting next to him and Phuwin was standing at the bartender talking to Dew. Outside the door, Joong, Pond and Gemini walked in, their eyes immediately turned to the three brothers' table. Joong immediately ran back and hugged Dunk

"Dunk, I haven't seen you for many days and I miss you to death."

Dunk, who was holding a glass of wine, was suddenly hugged so he put it on the table and used both hands to push Joong away. Dunk's strange expression made Joong confused, but Joong still went forward to hug him again.

" Release!"

Dunk shouted, once again pushing Joong away from him

"Dunk, what's wrong?"

Dunk stood up and pushed Joong's hand away

"I'm breaking up with you..."

Immediately everyone around was surprised, including Pond, Gemini and Joong, except Phuwin and Fourth.

"Dunk, what are you talking about?"

"I said... Break up"

"Dunk, are you lying?"

Joong grabbed Dunk's arm, not believing what he just heard. Didn't he and Dunk just recently start dating?

"Hey you let go of my brother's hand"

Phuwin ran back and snatched Dunk's hand away, pulling him behind him to shield him. Fourth immediately stood next to his brother. The current situation can be said to be divided into two sides, one side is vampires, the other side is hunters.

"Get out of the way, the person I want to talk to is Dunk."

"You have no right to talk to him."

"Why, what's wrong with you guys today? What are you crazy about? Get out of the way!"

"You want to know the reason, then see for yourself"

Dunk dug into his pocket for a piece of paper and threw it straight at Joong

"Look closely what you did to me"

Joong read the paper in his hand, as if he couldn't believe his eyes, each word passing through Joong's head made him feel dumbfounded. There were signs of pain and dizziness in his head. Strange, vague images kept appearing in Joong's head, but he didn't know what they were. Looking up at Dunk, Dunk's eyes began to fill with tears

"From now on, don't let me see you again. If I see you again, die or two...I die"

Dunk finished saying this and left the shop. Phuwin tried to run after him but was pulled back by Pond

" Phuwin"

"What else, let me go!"

"Let's talk a bit"

Phuwin jerked his hand away from Pond

"Get out! Get out of here! That's why I hate Vampires like you, everyone is equally miserable."

"Fourth! Let's go home!"

After saying that, Phuwin left to follow Dunk, Fourth also followed him right after. Before leaving, he looked back at Gemini, this friendship of them probably has to end here.

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