CH 72

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Phuwin woke up dreamily and the time had already struck in the afternoon. The most important thing now was that he couldn't sit up, his whole body felt like it was falling apart after yesterday's intense lovemaking session. Feeling something flowing from behind his anus, his face began to turn black, and he kept looking at the person lying next to him, hugging him deliciously.

"Bastard Pond!"

Phuwin used his hand to firmly grab Pond's stomach, successfully waking him up, but without knowing it, he still turned around and kissed him. Phuwin pushed him away, wincing slightly because of the pain all over his body, especially his waist and lumbar area. I didn't expect him to be so resilient and keep him busy until early morning. Phuwin couldn't even think about what happened yesterday.

Phuwin tried to sit up again, but when he did, a pain arose in his back. He hugged his waist and tried to drag himself off the bed, but before he could take a step, he fell down and sat on the ground. When Pond saw this scene, he stopped teasing him. He went down and picked him up.

"Let me take you to the bathroom"

Pond carried Phuwin into the bathroom. Because he couldn't move much, Phuwin let him help, but what he didn't expect was that right after that he wanted to bathe him, and even wanted to bathe together, and wanted to take those things. inside to help you. Phuwin was in pain so he couldn't resist. In the end, he groped his body for a long time. After taking a shower, he hugged him back to bed. Phuwin still couldn't walk, so he had to lie down and look at the ceiling, waiting for him to go get something to eat.


"P' Pond, where are you going?"

Pond was going down to the villa's lobby to get a snack for Phuwin when he accidentally encountered Fourth coming out of the room. Looking at his neck covered in kiss marks and some fang marks, he knew what happened last night, but seeing that he could still walk, he probably wasn't ready to do that.

"Get some food for Phuwin"

Pond replied

"I didn't see you and P' Phuwin in the morning. I thought you guys had returned to the clan. Do you need my help getting food?"

"No need, tell me where to get it, I'll go myself."

Fourth showed Pond where to get food, then he rushed to Dunk's room, after calling for him to open the door for him. I invited Dunk to Phuwin's room to play. I heard Pond say he was sleeping until he woke up. I was afraid Phuwin was sick.

Hearing the knock on the door, Phuwin, who was lying on the bed, had a headache. He wondered if Pond had a key. It wasn't until he heard Fourth's voice shouting that Phuwin sat up. Now he doesn't open the door. From the door, Fourth will probably scream for the whole villa to hear.

Phuwin tried to drag his body and put his feet on the bed, then leaned on each side of the table and wall and tremblingly walked to the door. It must be said that Phuwin's walk from the bed to the door has never been so long.

As soon as the door opened, Fourth and Dunk immediately saw a scene of Phuwin unable to stand and staggering, causing the two of them to panic and help him. Joong and Gemini standing behind also thought to themselves why Pond was playing so boldly.

"P' Phuwin, was your neck bitten by a dog again?"

Fourth saw that Phuwin's neck had a few red marks like yesterday so he innocently asked. Gemini was startled and ran over to hug him, pulled him to sit on the sofa next to the bed and whispered.

"It's not a dog bite, it's Pond's bite, you understand, little one?"

After listening to Gemini's explanation, Fourth understood what happened to Phuwin. he shyly crawled straight into Gemini's arms to hide his embarrassed face. P' Phuwin was also done to P' Pond the same way Gemini did to me, I understand, crawling into Gemini's chest, Fourth silently lamented that he was so embarrassed.

"I didn't think you'd let Pond do that, what kind of medicine did you eat, Phuwin?"

Dunk suddenly said something that made Phuwin smile wryly

"It's really a drug attack"

" Huh!"

Immediately, the four people in the room turned their eyes to Phuwin in surprise. He could only smile bitterly and tell everyone everything about yesterday. As soon as he finished telling the story, Pond also came in from outside the door carrying a tray of rice, looking calmly at the four people sitting in his room. He intended to chase them back, but he decided to let his Phuwin eat first, his lover must be hungry now. He carried the tray of rice and sat next to Phuwin, scooping spoonfuls of rice to feed him

"Hey, I have hands, let me eat myself"

Phuwin said but Pond ignored him and in the end he had to let him feed him, so there were people in the room who couldn't eat dog rice anymore so they automatically left.


A week after returning from DewNani's wedding, Phuwin was depressed and collapsed on the sofa in the house. Today JoongDunk went out early in the morning, to get a wedding dress sewn, they will get married next month, they don't know. When did Joong propose to Dunk, but when the whole family heard that they wanted to get married, everyone was very surprised, but then they all seemed happy and eager to talk about the wedding. As for Fourth, he started to replace his brother in managing the hunter training area, so lately he's often not at home, focusing on hunting with his subordinates most of the day. Gemini can't follow him all the time. Because he's busy with family matters, recently Pond has pushed Gemini to get more familiar with bookkeeping with the intention of letting Gemini take over, and Pond wants to go here and there with Phuwin, because he heard that he likes it before. Travel in the human world.

Returning to Phuwin, after becoming a vampire, although he still had the ability, his strength was no longer the same as before, so his father and brother did not let him do much, making him feel useless. know how to stay at home. He also doesn't like to suck people's blood, he hates it, so when he craves blood, Pond will be the one to be pressed down by Phuwin to take the blood. Pond is also happy with this because it would be better for him to suck his blood a lot. It's better than letting you touch your mouth with someone else. While lying lazily on the sofa, Pond came in and hugged Phuwin and sat up

"Phuwin, wake up, I'll take you somewhere"

"Where to go, I don't want to go anywhere, I want to lie down"

"Come on, come with me, I'm sure this will make you feel interesting"

Pond hugged his little lover on his body, letting him lazily not move but lay snugly inside him. He carried Phuwin to his room, changed his clothes, and then led him down to the human world.

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