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Today Fourth decided to confess his love to Ray. He heard that he would also give him a surprise today. As soon as he returned from hunting, Fourth quickly rushed to the bathroom to take a shower, chose a nice outfit and then quickly ran to his familiar bakery. As soon as Ray's image caught my eye, I ran over without hesitation.

"P' Ray"

"Here you go, sit down"

Fourth gently sat down on the chair opposite him. The two sat and talked for a while when Fourth began to hesitantly speak

"I... I have something to tell you."

Fourth looked into Ray's eyes, trying to suppress his nervousness, his hands clasped together, clenched as if to reassure himself. Ray was taking a sip of coffee, put it on the table, looked at him and smiled

"What does Fourth want to talk about, hm?"

"I... I... I like you"

Gathering all his courage, Fourth confessed his love to Ray, then waited nervously for his answer. Ray patted his head, then took out a small box of cakes from behind his back

"This is the cake I made for you myself. After you eat, I will give you the answer"

"You did it yourself for me?"

Fourth was surprised and happy, this is the cake he made for him. Reaching out to receive your box of grape-flavored macarons, I opened the box and ate them without any doubt. I will eat everything you make. Ray looked at the small head bent down to eat the cake, he smiled with satisfaction, the child in front of him was really easy to seduce, really stupid. Until there was no more noise in front of him and seeing the small figure lying down on the table, Ray gently stood up, his face becoming more proud than ever.

" Phuwin, soon we will meet"


Phuwin was standing and observing the training clan's hunters. Today, I don't understand why I feel so insecure inside. After returning to his room, he took a shower to relieve his mood. While wiping his hair, there was a knock on the door. Phuwin went to open the door and it turned out to be the housekeeper coming to look for him.

"Mr. Phuwin, someone just gave you a letter."

" Who is that?"

"I don't know, that person just said he would give it to you personally."

Phuwin was a bit confused. He reached out to receive a small envelope, wondering who sent it. After closing the door, he walked to the bed and opened the envelope. Phuwin's eyes immediately widened when he saw a picture of Fourth being tied up. There was also another letter. Phuwin picked it up and read it.

"If you want to save your brother, find me alone. Remember! Only alone- Ray"

"Ray? Who's this bastard ?"

Phuwin immediately ran out and forgot to lock the door. Went alone to the location written on the paper.


Fourth woke up dreamily, shaking his head slightly to dispel his dizziness. When I opened my eyes, I found myself in a closed room. At the same time, I realized I was being tied down by a strange chain. No matter how much I tried to escape or struggled, I couldn't. . Looking around the room for a while, I saw a familiar symbol. I squinted and looked closely and discovered that it was the symbol of the Harit family. Why am I here, I tried to think for a while, I just remembered that I was sitting and eating the cake Ray gave me. Ray's cake?

While deep in thought, Fourth heard the door open. Isn't it P' Ray who walked in? But why did he change his style of dressing? Now he doesn't look like a gentle person. Easy and caring.

"P' Ray, why are we here?"

"You still don't realize anything, little brother?"

Fourth looked at Ray's laughter, he seemed to become a different person, a complete stranger. When he approached him, he immediately realized something.

"You, you are a Vampire"

"Just now realizing it, it's too late. I didn't expect you to trust people so easily."

After saying that, Ray approached and squeezed my face

" Now, Nong Fourth do you want me to answer your question?"

Fourth pushed his face away from Ray's hand, his heart couldn't help but squeeze. This is my first love, I thought it would be very peaceful and beautiful. I was going to confess my love to you and then come home and tell you guys that I met and liked Ray, why did he so cruelly destroy all my fantasies?

"What are you making me do?"

After hearing this question, Ray stood up straight, crossed his arms, looked at him, and said jokingly

"I heard that Phuwin loves you very much. I just want you to help me meet Phuwin for a little bit, right? Your brother is probably coming here soon, now I have to go prepare to welcome your brother, see you later." , little brother

Ray left me in the room and then walked out, leaving me alone. He planned to use me to lure P' Phuwin into a trap, I'm really a trouble-making child. I thought while crying, a few tears rolled down my cheeks. I'm so scared, I'm afraid I'll hurt Phuwin, can anyone help me? Fourth cried, her small body shaking slightly. Suddenly I remembered someone, the person who was by my side when I was injured, when I cried, the person who comforted me with kind and thoughtful actions.

"Gemmm, hic... Fourth is scared"


Dunk was about to go downstairs. When he passed Phuwin's room, he saw that the door was unlocked. He wondered for a long time because Phuwin was a very careful person and often locked his room because he rarely wanted outsiders to enter the room without permission. It was so difficult that he walked in

" Phuwin"

"Phuwin... Are you here?"

Dunk asked, looking around the room looking for him, but he was nowhere to be found. When he looked at the table, he saw a piece of paper. He picked it up, read it and looked at the photo in his hand. His hand clenched tightly, creasing the paper.

" Ray... Your fucker"

Dunk also rushed out of the house.

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