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Dunk was dumbfounded when he heard Phuwin's words, he was trying to digest every word he uttered, every word was like a sharp knife stabbing straight into his heart, it was so painful, it was just waiting. He bled a lot. As if not believing his ears, Dunk trembled and grabbed Phuwin's arm and asked again

"What are you talking about? You're kidding me, right?"

Phuwin is no longer drunk anymore, he knows his mind is very clear now

"Do you think that it can be joked about?"

Dunk stood frozen in place

"Phuwin, what did you just say?"

Earth's voice echoed down from the stairs, walking seriously and quickly towards the two boys, behind was Mix, their little father was also in a state of shock at what he had just heard.

"Big dad, little dad" - Dunk

"Dad, aren't you two going out to do something and was not coming back?"

Phuwin suddenly asked. These past few days, both of his parents said they were busy going out. He thought there was no one in the house, so he chose to talk to Dunk.

"Dude, what's going on?"

Fourth's voice was soft. He heard his father shouting loudly, so he went out to see the situation.

"Say, what did you just say?"

Phuwin didn't know what to do in this situation anymore, why was he always the one pushed into ironic situations like this, why did he have to be the one to speak up first, why did he have to force you are awkward. Faced with his father's seriousness, Phuwin opened his mouth

"Yes, like what I just said, the Aydin family is the culprit behind the ability loss of P' Dunk."

The whole room fell silent again, the stuffy air enveloped everything that existed here, including those five people, making it hard to breathe.

" Sit down!"

"Dad" - Dunk

"I told everyone to sit down!"

Earth shouted, everyone sat down in their chairs, all looked at each other without saying a word for a while, finally, Earth spoke first.

"How do you know it's their family?"

"Last time I was captured by the Harit gang, while I was running away, I went into Mr. Nat's room, and then I saw a notebook recording the people who provided materials for poison experiments to their family, one of them was the family. Aydin."

Everyone listened silently. Phuwin continued, taking out a page of paper he tore from the notebook.

"There was a drug experiment on hunters, the purpose was to destroy the hunter's abilities, the name of the Aydin family was written on it, that experiment coincided with the day that P' Dunk crashed, and the person who attacked P' Dunk that night, was Joong Archen, the only son of the Aydin family"

Phuwin gritted his teeth

"Do you know, on that page it clearly states the words 'Dunk Natachai - Tangsakyuen family' - experimental subject"

"Damn it! How dare you take my son as an experiment! After 15 years of searching for the culprit, there wasn't even a trace. It turned out to be the Harit and Aydin clans."

Earth angrily slapped his hand on the table, it had begun to rain heavily outside, the wind was blowing so strongly that the trees seemed to be blown to one side, the sound of lightning striking back and forth continuously brightened the entire sky.

"Earth, calm down! It's not happening anymore, we shouldn't be in a hurry."

Mix tried to calm his husband's anger. Dunk remained silent all this time, because he didn't know what to say anymore. Just during the day, I was immersed in the so-called first love, laughing and having fun, but now I came to know we became enemies, tears began to well up in the corners of Dunk's eyes. , but he still restrained himself from letting it fall

"Dude, so P' Joong..."

Fourth hesitated

"I once taught you guys to stay away from vampires, it seems like you've forgotten, I'm lenient and let them cooperate to destroy old Nat, but that doesn't mean I allow you to be closer than partners." "

Earth showed a serious expression and reminded his child

"From now on, cut off all ties with them, I will go destroy Harit and Aydin"

" DAD"

Dunk heard his father say that and finally couldn't stay silent anymore and spoke up

"It's in the past, dad, just leave it to me, I want to deal with it myself, let me... go kill him... The person who harmed me is my enemy, I won't forgive him."

A thunderclap struck outside as if responding to his words, the rain became heavier and heavier..


Dunk returned to his room, not bothering to change clothes, he let himself lie down on the bed, looking at the paper he was holding in his hand, now tears really fell, flowing down his cheeks. Sitting up, hugging my legs close to a corner, my sobs continued to echo throughout the room with no signs of stopping. He cried so much that he was paralyzed, crying as if to tear his heart into pieces. God is so ironic, giving me a bad memory in the past, now when I start to have happiness, he cruelly takes it away from me. I don't know how long he cried, all I know is that he cried all night, cried until he was tired and fell asleep.

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