668 35 1

15 years ago

"P' Phuwin wait for me"

Fourth's voice rang out, he was running after his brother because all the cakes that Mix had just made were taken away. Dunk sat there observing his two younger brothers, smiling as he watched the two children happily play.

"Okay okay, Fourth come here and eat my cake"

Dunk called out loudly. Fourth heard it and then trotted over and climbed onto his lap, obediently sitting down to eat. The three brothers ​​were sitting on the carpet in the garden, they often came here to cool off and have fun. Today their two fathers have to gone out, this happens often so there is no problem, all three of them can take care of each other.

At night, Phuwin and Fourth were fast asleep. Dunk didn't understand why he couldn't sleep today, so he got up and went out to get some fresh air. Although he is still young, Dunk is already a B-level hunter. He really wants to quickly break through to S level even though he knows that it will be very difficult to achieve it. While walking in the family's grounds, Dunk discovered a light in the distance, right in front of his gate. There was a sound that kept telling him to come closer. He had never been afraid of anything befor, he slowly walked closer.

When he was about to step closer to them, that light suddenly lit up and flew to cover his whole body, then that light turned black, then he fainted, sinking into darkness.

When Dunk woke up, he found himself lying in the middle of the forest. It was dark, making it difficult for Dunk to see. He could only rely on a little light from the moonlight. Seeing a small path, Dunk decided to follow it.

In a high corner of the forest, a group of people covered in black clothes were looking down, their eyes staring intently at the small figure below. A middle-aged man spoke in a shady voice


" Joong, it's time, do as I say, don't let him die"

Immediately, the boy standing next to him raised his head, his eyes turned blood red, then jumped down and gradually walked towards Dunk.


Dunk was walking when he heard a strange noise behind him so he turned around and saw a boy about his age, but a bit taller than him.

"Who are you, lost in the forest too?"

Dunk asked but received no answer. Seeing that something was wrong, Dunk began to be on guard. Looking at his blood-red eyes and teeth that revealed two fangs, Dunk guessed that he was a vampire. What should I do, he didn't bring a weapon, he looked like he was crazy.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Dunk started to run away, he immediately chased after him. Gritting his teeth and running for his life, Dunk ran face-first into the forest road, he kept chasing him, because he was engrossed in running too fast, Dunk slipped and fell into the abyss. His body had several scratches and a large wound on his hand from brushing against a sharp tree branch. His leg could not move, seemingly dislocated.

Immediately, a body rushed to grab him, pressing him to the ground. Dunk struggled and saw him trying to control him, taking out a blue pill in his hand.

"Help! Someone help me!"

Dunk struggled and shouted, he was very scared, trying to push his hand away, not letting him put the pill in his mouth. He immediately received a slap from him, then two or three more, then stuffed the pill into his mouth and forced him to swallow it.

His body began to feel strange, as if thousands of arrows were continuously piercing him. I thought he would forgive me, but he didn't. He continued to tear my shirt. Because it was a nightgown, it was quickly torn to shreds. A knife appeared before his eyes. Then, without hesitation, he slashed the part chest next to his heart, the blood in his heart began to flow out, he immediately came forward to suck, where his fangs appeared a stream of energy flowed into his body, making his body become tired. , without any strength left, when he finished injecting them, he moved to his neck and bit into his veins.

Everything gradually turned black, until Dunk opened his eyes and saw that he had been taken home, next to him were his two fathers and two younger siblings. Later, when he asked why he was still alive, his father only told him that he was found in the forest. At that time, he was still barely alive. Luckily, thanks to Mix's healing technique, he was able to keep his life, but the wires were still alive. The nerves near the heart were seriously damaged. Later, when he reached S level, he realized he could not have more abilities.


Dunk woke up, not knowing why he dreamed about that scary story today. His eyes were swollen from crying all night. It turned out that that year the boy who almost made him die was Joong - the person he loved madly, but in the end, the truth is still the truth, it's time to let go of the feelings. Damn it, time to avenge myself

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