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This chapter contains H, the language contains 18+ elements, it is not imposed on real life characters, if you feel uncomfortable, please click back


Pond rushed Phuwin straight to their room, gently placed Phuwin on the bed, he reached out to touch his forehead, feeling the rising temperature. Looking at Phuwin's face full of spring color due to being hit by the spring medicine, Pond couldn't help but swallow his saliva. Phuwin's hand was still holding tightly, not daring to let go. Pond comforted Phuwin

"Phuwin, let go, otherwise I'm afraid I'll hurt you."

He knew that he was being hit with spring medicine right now, so he probably didn't want to take advantage of this time to hurt Phuwin. He needed to go to the bathroom to deal with the bulging thing underneath him. Phuwin saw that Pond was about to pull his hand away. He refused to sit up. He seemed to be possessed by desire. He wanted to touch him.

Phuwin sat up, rushed to him and kissed him. He wrapped his arms around his neck, pulling him close to him. Pond was suddenly pulled down and kissed by him, following inertia he moved closer to him, his hand also resting on the edge of the bed. Phuwin seemed to be attracted to his lips, he tried to suck on his lips to relieve the discomfort in his body. Pond couldn't take it anymore, just when he was about to solve it himself, you initiated him, now he didn't hesitate to respond to your kiss.

Their lips and tongues tangled violently, Pond pushed his tongue deep into Phuwin's mouth, entwined with his tongue and teased. He kissed and pushed him onto the bed, backing up to the head of the bed until Phuwin's back touched the headboard. Phuwin hugged his neck, trying to breathe while kissing. Pond saw that he kept kissing and then letting go, so he was not satisfied. He immediately pressed him into a deep kiss, placing his hand behind his head, pressing him against his body. Phuwin became more and more possessed by desire, he could no longer think, so he vaguely followed Pond's will.

Phuwin was kissed so much that he didn't have time to breathe. He could only open his mouth to let Pond roam all over his mouth. A stream of saliva also flowed from his mouth, gradually flowing down his chin and neck, creating a scene. full of beauty. Only when Phuwin was completely drained of oxygen did Pond let him go, gradually moving down to the white neck and kissing, each place Pond passed by leaving a red kiss mark as a mark, asserting his sovereignty.

Phuwin tilted his head back, looking for air to breathe. He couldn't take it anymore and reached down to unzip his pants, trying to touch his penis to satisfy himself. Just as he was about to touch his penis, Pond stopped him and he begged in annoyance

"Pond, it's uncomfortable, let go"

Pond smiled and helped him take care of it, his hand rubbing and caressing Phuwin's penis up and down. Phuwin felt his body numb. When his hand touched him, he shivered, his mouth could no longer control himself and he began to moan.


Phuwin heard the sounds coming from his mouth so he raised his hand and bit it to stop them from coming out again. Pond did not let him go easily, he took his hand away and continued to tease his brother, his hand still devotedly taking care of his younger brother, a moment later Phuwin squirted all over his hand.

Pond raised his hand and started taking off Phuwin's vest, then put his hand inside the shirt to explore his body. Phuwin was touched, his hot body became even hotter, he longed to touch him more, he didn't know how strong that medicine was but now Phuwin only felt like he wanted to touch him. I want to hug him, I want the warmth from him.

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