CH 50 - PURGE DAY (2)

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Dunk went into another small alley, relying on Fourth's announcement to know where there were people to avoid, he easily entered a room, looking very dark, the surrounding was filled with the smell of medicinal herbs and blood. , maybe this is where they create some poisons. Looking around, he saw nothing. When he was about to step out, Dunk accidentally bumped into a box. It fell to the ground and all the contents in the box fell out.

Frantically putting them away for fear that someone would hear them, Dunk noticed a stack of papers and opened them page by page. Dunk's expression changed, his hands trembled as he looked at them, his face turned pale. While confused, he heard Fourth's voice telling him to meet Sing and Ray. He regained composure, put them in and walked out of the room.


Phuwin is responsible for following Joong's father, he keeps sneaking around doing something, sometimes even carefully turning around to look around. He entered the main hall, which was quite a large room. Finding himself a corner where he could hide and observe, Phuwin looked inside and saw him kneeling in front of old Nat, saying something that Phuwin, who was far away, could not clearly hear. Then he stood up next to old Nat. Right now, Phuwin also received Fourth's notice. He said he was at Nat's place so he called Dunk and Fourth to come here quickly.

After a while, Dunk and Fourth also appeared, all three looked inside to grasp the situation. Old Nat was holding a red pill in his hand and putting it back in his pocket.

"Phuwin, connect brain waves with Sanya, launch attack"


Listening to Dunk's orders, Phuwin connected with Sanya who was guarding on the cliff. Upon receiving the signal, Sanya gathered the hunters and began a secret sweep, killing each person in silence if possible. , kill from the outside in.

Dunk, Phuwin and Fourth were now moving and standing in a dark corner, behind a door that few people noticed to observe the situation and hear what they were saying more clearly. Later, Sing and Ray also arrived

"I have lured them here, please give me medicine"

It was Joong's father's voice, he successfully lured Phuwin to follow him here, then dragged Dunk and Fourth to come as well. Old Nat threw him a pill, he took it and swallowed it, his mouth showing a satisfied smile. While observing, the three brothers heard a loud voice

"It's not good to hide like that, genius hunters."

Yes, that was Nat's voice, he was sitting on a chair, holding a pipe in his hand, taking a breath, then exhaling a puff of smoke into the air. Sing and Ray standing next to him also smiled as if they knew they were here. Immediately afterwards, the door protecting them shattered right in front of them. The three of them used their hands to cover themselves to avoid being hit by debris, then turned around. Now there is a situation of two sides standing opposite each other, looking at each other as if signaling that a fierce battle is about to take place.

"It seems like we have a lot more guests today, both inside... and outside."

He added this sentence because he knew there was someone attacking outside, it was Sanya, he would attack here in a little while, but he didn't seem to be worried about anything. It was just now starting to rain outside, getting heavier and heavier, the red vortex in the sky began to become stronger, thunder and lightning struck continuously, lighting up the whole area, just like the blood purification that began five years ago. head back like that.

"Today will be your last day"

Dunk said one sentence, immediately pulled out his weapon, Phuwin and Fourth too, they were about to enter combat mode, the goal was only one.

"If you want to fight with me, first ask about my subordinates"

Suddenly out of nowhere, surrounding them was a group of powerful aliens, the strongest aliens. It seemed like old Nat had raised them to this level. Okay, let's fight. The two sides rushed into a passionate fight, while old Nat and the other two stood there watching the fun. He waved to his son to come closer, then whispered a word to him

"Pay attention to that boy Phuwin Tang, bring him here later"

Dunk, Phuwin and Fourth killed about half of the aliens, but their numbers were still very large. Phuwin lost his attention for a few seconds, and immediately a strange man rushed up behind him. Fortunately, Sanya appeared right after and slashed the strange man to death. Sanya had temporarily settled the perimeter, he left the situation to the other hunters to handle, and he went to look for the three people, fortunately they arrived in time. Phuwin and Sanya turned their backs to each other and began to coordinate their fight. Looking around, there were still many aliens. It must have taken a lot of time.

Dunk was fighting when a beam of light hit him, knocking him to the ground

"P' Dunk, are you okay?"

Fourth shouted, running to help him

"Hello, we meet again?"

In front of Dunk and Fourth was none other than Ray, he smiled meaningfully, his hand still fondling his weapon, his electric wire. Fourth slowly helped Dunk stand up, the two looked at Ray. Ray was about to approach Dunk when Fourth stood up and blocked him

"Fourth, I need to talk to your P' Dunk, you have to listen to me, don't you like me?"

Ray sarcastically looked at Fourth and then at Dunk, someone who was Joong's old lover, someone who said he liked him, which is really interesting.

"I like you, I used to have blind eyes when I encountered trash like you."

Fourth spoke loudly, his eyes filled with indignation. Fourth was immediately hit by Ray's attack, but fortunately he was able to dodge it

"Who are you calling trash?"

Ray was angry, ordered the aliens to attack the two people, he also came to attack. Just as Dunk and Fourth were about to be hit by Ray, he was sent flying away. Joong and Gemini arrived, killing the aliens surrounding the two.

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