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Phuwin and Sanya also went on another road leading to the territory of the Harit clan, but this road seemed more dangerous, with so many trees that it obscured part of the sunlight. It seemed like this road had never been explored before, because the ground and everything looked very natural, with no signs of human traffic.

The two of them slipped through a dense forest, sharp leaves kept cutting into both of them. Fortunately, both of them were wearing quite tight cloaks so there were no major injuries. Once you get through that dense forest, traveling becomes much easier because the trees gradually thin out. Phuwin was observing the surrounding situation when Sanya pulled him back

"Hey, Phuwin let me see"

After Sanya finished speaking, he turned Phuwin around to see if he was hurt. In the end, does Sanya think Phuwin is also an S-class hunter?

"You're covered in dust and thorns, let me remove them."

Sanya brushed the dust off Phuwin's body, then removed the thorns clinging to his shirt. Phuwin saw Sanya acting like that and said one thing

"Oh my god, I'm an S hunter. Who do you think I am? You take care of me like a child."

" Do you like it?"

Sanya joked again

"I like your head, let's move on"

Phuwin smiled back, pinched Sanya's shoulder and left first. Sanya also smiled and ran after him, moving forward with him. While walking, the two suddenly stopped, because a person appeared in front of them, none other than Pond. He without saying a word approached him, his eyes did not forget to sweep the person next to him, giving gave him a sharp look, then turned back to look at him

"Why are you here?"

Phuwin didn't know what fate he was facing, but wherever he went, he always saw Pond's face. Going on missions is no longer peaceful, it's really unlucky. Look at the person in front of you, he looks like he's showing a face that wants to annoy you.

"I came to go with you"

"Who needs you to follow?"

" But I like"

Pond replied with one sentence, really teasing Phuwin.

"Phuwin has someone with him, he doesn't need you"

Only then did Sanya speak, the air filled with the smell of gunpowder began to surround the three people, Sanya's eyes for Pond were no different from the eyes Pond had for him. When he didn't, he appeared again, wanting to go with Phuwin, and said that you guys were making Phuwin angry.

"It's none of your business"

Pond spoke up, his eyes challenging Sanya. The smell of gunpowder became stronger and stronger, so much so that even Phuwin could smell it. What was wrong with these two people?

"But you bother Phuwin, that's my business"

Sanya responded again

"I... don't want to talk to you"

Pond looked at Sanya with teasing eyes, this guy accompanying Phuwin was truly a thorn in his side, he had to quickly pull him away. Pond and Sanya looked at each other with bullet eyes, but it was enough for both of them to start fighting. Phuwin saw that the situation was not good so he intervened between the two

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