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A source of blood-like crimson light swept across the entire group of aliens, carrying a source of immense energy that knocked them to the ground. A figure appeared with a blood-red cloak and was still gathering another source of energy in his hand. He used that light for the second time to kill the surrounding aliens. His eyes must have appeared. turned red, the blood lines in his eyes must have become clear because of that. As soon as that small figure fell into the abyss, he also rushed down

Phuwin was closing his eyes preparing to accept his death when he suddenly felt someone holding him up, his body no longer felt the feeling of falling. He lifted him up, Phuwin gently opened his eyes, Pond's face immediately met his eyes, he looked at him then looked up and rushed up. Phuwin didn't know what to say other than two words of surprise at the situation that was happening. He suddenly had a strange feeling creeping into his heart.

Placing Phuwin on the ground, Pond looked at him with his usual amber eyes, but there was clearly something called concern in them. Phuwin winced slightly because moving the wound caused him pain. He was surprised because Pond was using a handkerchief to wipe away the blood on his face.

Speaking of Pond, recently the house must have had another mouth to feed, none other than Joong. Joong didn't want to have to face his family, as well as the house with his old lover, so he ran over to bother him. It's not like it's annoying, because Joong locks himself in his room all day, tormenting himself. Today, Pond suddenly got excited and wanted to go out for a walk, as well as check the situation on the Tangsakyuen family's side. He heard that their family was about to destroy the Harit family and their allies.

Standing on a high cliff, Pond saw a streak of blue light appearing in a distant area of ​​the sky, so he must have followed here, and witnessed a scene of Phuwin being forced to the edge of the cliff. He was very strange towards Phuwin, because he didn't understand his own strange feelings that he once locked himself in his room to think. He wants to determine his own feelings, what he sees you as, because he doesn't want his heart to hurt again.

When he saw Phuwin falling into the abyss, Pond couldn't think anymore. He single-handedly killed those aliens and then quickly rushed down. The moment he grabbed his hand and hugged him, his heart felt lighter. , at that moment he admitted that he now had feelings for you, he fell in love with you.

" What are you doing here"

Back to reality, Pond was using his handkerchief to wipe away the blood stains on Phuwin's face and hands

"What's your attitude? I just saved your life?"

"Did I say I need your help?"

Phuwin tried to use all his strength to stand up, he wanted to go home. Seeing that, Pond immediately reached out to support his unstable body

"Let go, I don't need your help"

"Phuwin, if it wasn't for me, you would have died, let me take you home"

Phuwin stopped all actions, looked at Pond, and bluntly said one sentence

"Why didn't you just let me die? I would rather die than need a wretched, cruel Vampire like you to save me."

Gently removing Pond's hand, Phuwin continued

" Phuwin, listen to me, let me take you home"

Even though Pond felt hurt by your words, he still chose to take you home because he was more worried about you.

" Release"

Phuwin shouted

The two were struggling when Sanya appeared, he rushed to help Phuwin

" Phuwin, are you okay?"

Sanya ran to help Phuwin and quickly asked him. Seeing Sanya, Phuwin felt like he had grabbed a life buoy. He didn't want to get involved with Pond anymore, because he knew that if he got involved even more, his heart, no matter how hard it was, would become worthless. use.

"I'm okay? I was about to die! Why are you so late?"

Slightly shouting at Sanya but still smiling to reassure him, Sanya immediately turned around and looked left and right.

"I'm sorry, I'm late. Let's go home and take time to take care of you to atone for my sins, is that okay?"

Sanya also laughed and responded to him with a joke, forgetting that there was one other person. The actions of the two people just now were caught by Pond's eyes. Seeing that boy touching him, he did not feel uncomfortable. On the contrary, he smiled happily. His heart must have become very uncomfortable now. , so empty, he didn't know how to express his feelings.

Sanya talked with Phuwin for a while and also paid attention to his surroundings

"Why is there a vampire here, Phuwin?"

Sanya said, immediately he pulled out his weapon, because he suspected it was Pond who harmed Phuwin. The two eyes of Pond and Sanya touched each other, immediately like fire, like provocation, like competition, neither one could give in to the other's eyes, because they both guessed what the other was thinking. especially the kind of sentiment towards Phuwin.

'Hey, don't be rash, put your weapons away, let's go home'

Phuwin quickly stopped Sanya, Sanya immediately withdrew his gaze, turned to him and suddenly became a gentle person, carefully helping Phuwin back. Looking at Phuwin's figure being supported by the other person, gradually disappearing before his eyes, he didn't know what he should do, he could only stand motionless for a long time, letting time pass.

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