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Joong doesn't understand why he's been so uneasy these past few days. He probably hasn't seen Dunk much lately because he's been busy preparing to go home and meet his parents. He heard there's something very important going on. Joong's parents live in the main house of the Aydin family, and the castle Joong lives in was built by him. He wanted to be alone so he moved out. This time when he went home, he originally wanted to take Dunk with him, but because he refused, he had to accept it. He thought he had to go home quickly because Joong missed his lover.


Aydin family

As soon as Joong returned home, he saw his father and mother sitting in the living room drinking tea. He slowly walked over to say hello.

" Parents"

"Um, you're home, are you tired?"

" Not tired"

"So...go upstairs and rest. come down later we have something to talk about."

After listening, Joong went upstairs to rest. This time, his father must have said he had something to say, but he didn't know what it was. When Joong was going up to his room, his parents changed their attitude and looked at him with very strange eyes.

Currently Joong is sitting with his parents in the main house

"Dad, mom, what brings you here?"

Joong opened his mouth to ask, his father's face immediately stiffened, he put the tea cup on the table, then looked up at Joong.

"What is your relationship with a boy named Dunk Natachai?"

Hearing this, Joong was surprised

"Why do you ask that?"

"Tell me, don't ask again"

"Dunk and I are lovers. This time I wanted to bring Dunk to meet you all but he was busy so he couldn't come."

After hearing this, Joong's father angrily hit the table. His mother also expressed her dislike. Joong found it strange so he asked.

"What's wrong, dad?"

"Break up with him immediately"

Joong is confused

"Dad, why, is there anything wrong with me and him?"

His father hesitated, looking into his son's eyes, not knowing how to answer properly. But he still kept a stern, commanding expression on his face, pointing at him

"Remember, don't get involved with him ever again, you have more important things to do, why did I stop you, you will know the reason soon"

Joong still had a bunch of questions in his heart, but didn't know where to start asking. He stood frozen in place until his mother spoke up

"Joong, stop standing there, we have a regular guest today, it seems they've arrived."

His mother said as she looked out the door, Joong also looked out. The door opened automatically, walking in was a gentle looking boy, he was wearing a simple outfit that exuded gentleness. Joong saw that figure and immediately opened his eyes wide, staring at the person who was standing there. Slowly approaching me, he gave me a smile

"Long time no see, Joong"

Joong immediately could only utter one word:



Tangsakyuen family

Knock Knock knock

"Dunk, are you in there, Dunk!"

Phuwin is currently standing in front of Dunk's room. He has been standing here for a while. He kept calling but Dunk did not answer. When connecting to his brain waves, he refused the signal. Anxiously walking back and forth in front of the door, rubbing his hair that was about to become tangled on his head, the door finally opened and Dunk walked out.

" Phuwin, I'm hungry, let's eat!"

Having said that, Dunk walked straight to the kitchen without a word.

Currently Dunk, Phuwin and Fourth are sitting at a small table in the garden. They often take food from the kitchen and bring it here to eat. Fourth had been sitting quietly looking back and forth at his two brothers, unconsciously feeding himself with his hands, his eyes fell on Dunk who was sitting, picking up a piece of meat and putting it in his mouth.

"Dunk...Are you okay?"

"It's okay, I'm fine"

Phuwin held Dunk's hand, looked at him and comforted him

"I know, this makes you feel awkward, but if you..."

"I've given up, now I only have hatred in me, I must be the one helping the Harit group, my enemy, I will never forgive"

Before Phuwin could finish his sentence,
Dunk interrupted his younger brother. Indeed, he had decided to let him go, because of what he had done to him in the past.

"Eat, don't worry about me, I'm not that weak."

Dunk smiled, looked at Phuwin reassuringly, then used his hand to pat Fourth's head. Phuwin also felt more secure because of that. He also smiled and looked back at him. The three of them began to temporarily put everything aside and happily eat together.

" Phuwin"

The sound of someone calling Phuwin made the three of them immediately turn around. There was a guy over eight feet tall in a Western-style outfit with beautiful blue eyes. He smiled and approached the three of them.

"P' Sanya"

Fourth exclaimed when he saw the boy in front of him. He happily ran and pulled the boy to the table

"Oh tiger! Long time no see, you only know the name Phuwin"

Dunk showed a reproachful expression as he looked at the boy named Sanya in front of him.

"Hello P' Dunk"

Sanya smiled and sat down

"When did you come back?"

Phuwin asked

"Just came back, I will stay here and won't go anymore"

"Really? So we can be like before"

Phuwin happily looked at Sanya and spoke. Sanya is Phuwin's childhood friend, the two can be called close friends. Sanya is also an S-class hunter. They were a hunting couple that caused a stir for a while until Sanya had to follow his family to the West for a while. Back then, many people rumored that they had feelings for each other. So the meal that day became even more fun, Sanya also gave Phuwin the same gentle actions as he had done for him in the past, Phuwin also looked at Sanya and happily received them.

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