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What are you two doing?"

"Phu... Phuwin"

" P' Dunk, P' Phuwin"


Why Phuwin and Fourth are here depends on when Phuwin just woke up. As I said, tonight Phuwin will be determined to go to the bar alone to relieve boredom after days of being forced to stay at home. But he didn't want to go to Dew's bar anymore, he wanted to find something new to enjoy. Remembering the last time Fourth said that the bar Gemini took him to was very good, Phuwin came up with the idea of ​​going.

As for why Fourth is in this bar, the leading factor is Gemini. Today Fourth successfully navigated through the barrier, so Gemini invited me to celebrate, then lured me to the bar with the words "You should go partying with something so joyful", I don't understand why it was so bad. Is that so good that I carelessly agreed to it

So now there is a scene of five faces at one table looking at each other.

"What are you and him doing?"

Phuwin asked angrily, he was afraid that the thing he didn't want to happen the most would happen, anyone could do it, why would it be Joong Archen.

" Phuwin, you..."

Dunk hesitated, seeing that Phuwin's expression was very strange, why did he react like that, like he had a grudge against Joong. But thinking about it, it was only the time Joong kidnapped him that made Phuwin mad, or is he still angry about that.

"Tell me, your relationship"

Phuwin asked again

" Phuwin... Joong... Joong... Joong is my lover"

Dunk hesitated for a moment, then told the whole truth.

"When did it start?"

"1 week ago"

Phuwin didn't say anything more. He tried to regain his unsightly expression and continued to question Fourth. It seems like today is your "menstrual" day, just like mothers interrogate their children.



"Why are you here?"

"I told you, don't be angry with Fourth."

Fourth used his old trick again, his sparkling eyes and cooing voice looking at his two brothers. Seeing that the two brothers had no intention of scolding me, I sat down and told the story

"I upgraded my ability, now I can navigate through the barrier, even if it is a very strong Vampire barrier. Actually, these past few days, I left early and returned late at night because I went to Gemini's place." to practice. Today I succeeded in doing that, so I invited Gem to celebrate."

"Fourth, go celebrate anywhere, why go to a bar, you know you can't drink alcohol"

Dunk complained, how many times have you caused trouble because of alcohol and you still haven't stopped it?

"But I don't drink alcohol, I just want to go dancing, besides... P'Pond restaurant is very good, I heard the drinks are also very good, I haven't tried the Soda here yet"

"If you go dancing, I have to take care of you before I let you go."

Phuwin showed an angry expression and crossed his arms

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