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After getting married, Dunk was given the headship of the family by Earth, and EarthMix went on a vacation. Joong also helped him look at the books, sometimes even doing everything for Dunk because he was afraid that Dunk would work too much and get tired.

Dunk is sick today. Yesterday Dunk came back from hunting too late, and was accidentally dropped into a cold stream by a high-ranking alien. He brought home a wet body, causing Joong to panic.

This morning Joong woke up first. Seeing that Dunk was still sleeping soundly, he gently got out of bed and got up to work. Joong was looking at the books and realized it was past Dunk's wake-up time. He went up to his room to take a look. Seeing Dunk still sleeping soundly, pulling the blanket tightly and shaking, Joong walked forward suspiciously

"Dunk, Dunk, are you awake?"

Joong gently shook Dunk's body but he still lay still. Seeing that the situation was not good, he turned Dunk on his back and gently touched Dunk's forehead. Joong discovered that Dunk was sick. Now Dunk's whole body was hot. In addition, he was in a state of coma. Joong had never felt comfortable. Now I see that Dunk has such a severe cold. Before, Dunk also had a cold, but it was only a mild cold.

Injecting a little bit of energy into Dunk's body to help Dunk reduce his body temperature, Joong quickly went downstairs to tell the servants to cook porridge. He went back to the room, walked into the bathroom, took out a basin of water and a towel and gently wiped Dunk's body. After finishing, he let Dunk lie neatly on the bed and then went down to bring up the porridge.

"Dunk, wake up and eat something, otherwise your illness won't go away."

Dunk woke up when he heard Joong's voice. He was gently shaking his body, helping him sit up and lean against the bed. Dunk looked tiredly at Joong, sat still and let Joong feed him spoonfuls of porridge. After eating half of it, Dunk pushed it away and didn't want to eat anymore. Even though Joong told Dunk to eat more, Dunk used his voice to coddle Joong so he couldn't bear to force him, so he put the bowl of porridge away.

Every time Dunk is sick, every time Dunk clings to Joong like a baby, typically at this time, after eating, he opens his arms to pamper him.


Joong also complied with Dunk's wishes and climbed into bed to hug him. He would rather give up all his work than leave Dunk alone. After Dunk hugged Joong, he crawled into his chest and slept. Joong gently stroked Dunk's head, felt the temperature on Dunk's forehead again, then pulled the blanket to cover both of them.


At night when Dunk woke up, he saw Joong lying next to him, remembering what he had just experienced today. Even though he was dreaming, Dunk still knew that Joong was taking care of him all day. Gently turning around to face Joong, reaching out his hand to gently touch Joong's bangs, then his nose, Dunk smiled when he saw this figure sleeping next to him. The hand that was touching Joong's nose was suddenly grabbed. He had been awakened for a long time by the small figure next to him stirring.

"Dunk, are you better?"

Joong asked thoughtfully, Dunk smiled and kissed him lightly on the nose

"It's better, thanks to my husband's care."

Joong smiled when Dunk called him that. Since getting married, Dunk often called him that to pamper him, but only when there were two of them.

"I want to kiss you on the lips. If you want to thank me like that, will you?"

Joong raised his voice demandingly again, Dunk complied with him and kissed him on the lips. It could be said that Joong really liked it every time Dunk took the initiative to kiss him. Knowing that Dunk was sick, he probably didn't let him kiss for too long. He raised his hand to touch Dunk's forehead again. Joong gave Dunk a little more energy, then stood up and got out of bed, preparing warm water to clean Dunk's body.


When Dunk stopped being sick, it was two days later. Today Dunk decided to go hunting alone but was stopped by Joong. Normally, he would have complied with Dunk's wishes and let Dunk hunt alone with the hunters in his family, but from last night's fever combined with the frequent activities of high-ranking aliens recently, he must have been worried, so he did not let him go alone

"Dunk, stay home, you just recovered from your illness."

"But let the family hunters go alone, I'm afraid we won't be able to fight them."

"Then let me go with you. From now on when you go hunting, I will go with you. I can't leave you alone."

Dunk listened to Joong's pleading and finally agreed, so from then on, every time Dunk went out, there was a shadow with him. Joong will always be by his side and protect his world, protecting the person who holds his heart.

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