CH 8 - 1 WEEK

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After returning, Dunk and Phuwin decided to hide the story of Fourth's disappearance, and the two brothers would find his whereabouts themselves, above all so that the family wouldn't worry, and also to avoid the information from spreading to their fathers. They will return next week, so Dunk and Phuwin need to find Fourth within a week.

Phuwin has returned to the forest many times on his own to search for Fourth, but all traces of him seem to have gone with the wind. One time he even snuck back into Joong's castle and was almost discovered. Recently, the Aydin clan has been quiet, making Phuwin no longer doubt that perhaps Fourth is really not in Aydin's territory anymore. Thinking about this gave Dunk and Phuwin even more headaches.


At the Lertratkosum clan

In a small room decorated with the main color scheme of black and white, there is a small figure trying to wrap himself in a blanket, curling up and lying face down to completely cover himself. Fourth was using all his strength to wrap the blanket so that no one could touch it. Not long after, the blanket was pulled away from him by a strong force, and Fourth sat up and struggled

"Why don't you eat?"

Gemini raised his voice, it's been the second day since he took Fourth home, but he refused to eat a single bite, the servant kept bringing the rice and he kept throwing it out, spilling all over the floor. This time it was Gemini's hand that brought it up. As soon as he opened the door, he saw him sitting there looking out the window, hesitating and bewildered, looking very cute.

Hearing the noise, Fourth turned his head to look, what caught his eye was his hateful face, that's why he wrapped the blanket around him tightly like before.

"Hey! Eat it"

Gemini placed a plate of rice in front of her, but seeing that he still didn't make any move, he had to use a trick

"If you don't eat, I'll suck your blood."

It seemed that his words had an effect on Fourth, I looked at him in surprise, could it be that he really intended to suck my blood, oh my god, I was still young, I still wanted to go home with my brothers, I , but I have two dads who always pamper me, I don't want to die yet. Fourth cried silently in his heart, swallowing bitterly and looking at the plate of rice in his hand, hesitating for a moment before coming forward and taking the plate of rice from his hand.

"Eat it, or do you want me to feed you?"

Hearing this, Fourth quickly scooped up a spoonful of rice and put it in his mouth. He stood and watched him finish the plate of rice before giving up and coming forward to pat his head.

"Good boy, I'll come home and play with you tonight"

Fourth silently cried loudly in his heart for the second time, what do he and I have to play with? If we were to bite each other, surely I wouldn't be able to bite him back, he's a pure-blooded vampire, I'm an S-class hunter but I have... limited strength. I don't want to stay here until nightfall. Your two big brothers should come and save you quickly. Fourth let out a cry from deep inside, both scared and bored to death here.


Day 6 at the Lertratkosum clan

Fourth was fed up with having to sit on a bed every day without knowing what to do, just looking out the window. So one time the servant brought the meal, I secretly knocked the other servant unconscious. I didn't fight him, but I was more than capable of knocking this servant unconscious. After that, Fourth sneaked out of Gemini's room. There was no one here, so he confidently walked around the rooms. If you can't go out, you have to mess with this house. Thinking of doing it, Fourth took out a silver dagger in his hand. Don't ask why he had it, S-class hunters always carry it with them, can hide it and can also take it out at any time. I quickly went around the house, using my dagger to destroy everything that could be destroyed, then returned to the room as if nothing had happened.

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