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As soon as Gemini returned to the family, he ran straight up to Pond's room. He must have left the door unlocked. As soon as he entered, he saw him standing there staring at a person on the bed. Gemini's guess was not wrong. It was indeed Pond who took phuwin here

"Pond, are you crazy? Tangsakyuen is in a commotion."

Pond said nothing, his hand was still trying his best to inject a series of energy streams into Phuwin

"Gemini, Phuwin won't last three more days"

Pond raised his voice, his eyes becoming thoughtful

" You mean..."

"That's the only way"

Pond spoke again, Gemini seemed to understand what Pond wanted to do, but would it really be okay if he did it?

"You intend to turn Phuwin into a blood clan?"

"There is no other way Gemini, if we don't convert his blood, he will die. Furthermore, converting can keep his abilities."

"What do you think will happen after Phuwin wakes up? He will hate you."

"He can hate me, if he wants to kill me or do whatever he wants, I just want to save his life..."

After stepping out of the room, Gemini suddenly sighed, hoping that Phuwin would understand when he woke up. If there was enmity between the two families, there would be trouble.

Pond sat down next to Phuwin, he still closed his eyes, gently stroked his soft hair, Pond placed a kiss on his forehead.

" Phuwin, I'm sorry, this is the only way to save you"

Pond approached and took off Phuwin's shirt, then drew a line of seals. He cut his hand and dripped three drops of blood into Phuwin's mouth. He reached out and touched the side of his heart, slowly infusing his internal energy there. In the final step, two fangs appeared in his mouth. He bent down and bit the boy's left chest, pushing his energy deep into the heart's blood. His blood and internal energy ran throughout Phuwin's body, successfully transforming the blood, pushing Phuwin's poisoned blood out. This transformation took place all night long...


The next day, Pond carried Phuwin and went straight to Tangsakyuen to return the person. He decided to tell everyone the truth. Yesterday he secretly brought Phuwin home because he was afraid that his parents might not agree. Behind him was Gemini who also followed.

As soon as he set foot in Phuwins door, he saw his whole family sitting at the table looking out at him, as if they knew in advance and were here waiting for him. Pond gently hugged Phuwin and walked into the house, approaching them

"I brought Phuwin back, he'll wake up soon"

Pond spoke, his words gentle and polite, the people in front of him were his closest loved ones.

"I thought you wouldn't return my son back"

Earth said, speaking in a calm voice as if he already knew what was happening

"You know I took him away?"

Earth stood up, walked over to stand in front of him, looked at Phuwin breathing evenly in his chest, then raised his head and said.

"You forgot that one of my sons has the ability to locate? Everyone knew you took him away yesterday."

"Aren't you afraid I'll hurt him?"

"I knew you would find a way to save my child, but I didn't expect you to turn him into a blood relative."

Earth said, his face bitterly looking at him, he strained every word. Looking at Phuwin just now, he could smell the vampire scent radiating from his body. Earth waved his hand to signal everyone to take Phuwin to the room. Sanya ran over to help Phuwin, giving Pond a hostile look. Sanya has been here since he heard the news of Phuwin's disappearance. Yesterday when Fourth said Phuwin was at his place, Sanya suddenly got mad and wanted to go find him but in the end was stopped by Earth. Now seeing a scene where Phuwin was transformed into a vampire, he really wanted to kill him. Sanya carried Phuwin up to the room, Dunk and Fourth also followed, now only EarthMix and Pond and Gemini were left standing facing each other.

"You two, sit down."

Earth said, then he returned to his seat, Pond and Gemini also obeyed and sat in the opposite seats.

"Who gave you permission to do that to my child?"

"Phuwin had left only three days, if
he doesn't get cured soon he will die, that's the only way to cure him so I did it, you two know that"

Pond said, he believes that with EarthMix's ability, he will know how long Phuwin can live. His blood has absorbed all of Nat's medicine, and his ability line is also seriously damaged.

" So did you think what he will think when he wakes up? He will probably hate itself, hate the blood flowing through his body, hate the fact that he has become a Vampire? If it once again doesn't need help. What about the life you bring?"

Mix spoke up, a father like him understands what kind of person his children are, Phuwin used to hate vampires, now he has become a vampire himself, can he accept it? A gloomy atmosphere covered the whole room

"That day, Phuwin pushed you away and rushed into the matrix?"

Earth asked

" That's right"

"You know, Phuwin is a child who always hides his emotions, he will not tell anyone what he is thinking, how he feels, what he shows on the outside is just a facade. That day I sat and talked with your younger brother, and immediately knew that Phuwin volunteered to die for you. I think he had special feelings for you that he didn't even realize."

Earth confided that he knew Phuwin had some feelings for the person sitting in front of him, but he was afraid of this relationship, a pure-blooded vampire who was the leader of the continent and the strongest S-class hunter in the clan. , if they fall in love, they will definitely shock the world. But now that his son no longer had hunter blood, everything had now become a tangled mess.

"He has some feelings for you but now, when he wakes up, I'm not sure he will hate you to death."

Mix said

"It's okay, it's okay if s
he doesn't forgive, it's my choice, I'll try to avoid him in the future."

Pond has changed his address, he respects these two people, they understand his actions yesterday, he thought that when he brought Phuwin back here he would be beaten to death, he was also ready to accept it, but he did not expect that the elders in front of him would sit here and talk to him. Indeed, the two of them are good fathers, so they have three such supernatural children.


After talking with EarthMix, he and Gemini went to Joong's room to check the situation

"Indeed, we are all love crazy people"

Gemini sighed softly and said a word. Pond glanced at the pile of medicinal herbs covering his body and the pile of luck surrounding Joong's body, knowing that saving Joong was truly a miracle. But this situation may take a long time for Joong to wake up. I didn't expect that hunters would accept to save a vampire. Is there any hope for peaceful coexistence between the two races? Pond did not stay long, he then returned to his gloomy room, gnawing away at his loneliness

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