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"So that means someone is planning to revive someone, most likely someone from the Harit family."

Earth raised his voice, now Dunk, Phuwin and Fourth have returned to the clan. Dunk told everyone what he found, as did Phuwin.

"Even so, this resurrection technique was lost several hundred years ago and is banned from being used by all clans."

Mix spoke up

"There is definitely someone who wants to revive Nat Sakdatorn, we have to stop this."

As the most powerful hunter family on the continent, they couldn't let the resurrection of a dangerous vampire succeed, it was time for them to take action themselves.

"Wait, what I also read is, if you want to revive, you have to revive him right at the moment he dies, create a matrix of 7 people around him, in the middle is something completely related. Furthermore, revive at full moon day"

Dunk added what he knew

"This month's full moon has passed, so that means he will make his move next month."

Fourth added

"The place where Nat Sakdatorn died was in the main hall, at his family's castle."

Phuwin said

After a while of chatting, the three finally decided that next month they would personally go and stop it completely.


"Dunk Dunk, are you free?"

Phuwin's voice shouted majestically from upstairs. Dunk, sitting on the living room sofa, was also disturbed by his younger brother's shrill voice.


"The other day when I went to Bar, I borrowed a silver ring from P' Dew. I thought it had a beautiful design so I decided to use it as a weapon. Today is the day I promised to return it, but now I'm busy. Please go for me. Is that Okay?"

Phuwin explained

"But now I'm busy following my dad to recruit new hunters."

Dunk said, Fourth jumped out of nowhere, still holding a glass of milk

"Let me go, make sure to leave early and return early"

Phuwin looked at Fourth's firm eyes and knew that he was just using an excuse to go out and play to please him, so he agreed.

"Okay, take it, remember to give it to P' Dew, okay?"

Fourth took the ring, raised his hand to his forehead in a gesture of receiving orders

"Obey Khrappp"

After giving the ring to P' Dew, Fourth walked out of the bar. I like the night atmosphere here the most, especially the cake shop 1km away from P' Dew shop. I walk there. I heard that recently there have been many new types of cakes released.

On the way, Fourth encountered a group of people. Looking over, he saw that they were bullying a student. Without thinking much, Fourth ran over

"Hey, let him go before you guys kill him."

Fourth's voice made them stop beating people and turn their attention to him

"That's too brave, what can a small person like you do?"

The leader spoke in a disdainful tone

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