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With less than three days left until the full moon, Dunk, Fourth and Phuwin have been actively practicing all month to improve their abilities. Currently, Phuwin is sitting in his weapon making room, looking at the silver ring in his hand. He smiled, this is the weapon he just created, on the outside it looks like a normal ring, but when activated, it will release very thin silver rays, they will be launched at very high speed. so quickly that the opponent has no time to react.


On the day of the full moon, the sky became darker much faster than usual, and in the morning there was a heavy rain across the clans, as if they were signaling something was about to happen.

Dunk, Phuwin and Fourth were standing at the boundary of the Harit clan, looking at the blue barrier in front of them, Dunk frowned.

"I've encountered this barrier before. I tried to solve it but couldn't, and it was reversed."

" When?"

Phuwin asked him, staring intently at the electricity flowing around the barrier.

"The day I went missing, I was injured and then captured by Joong."

"This barrier is very strange. If you solve it incorrectly, you will be hit by this electric current, but it may be very difficult to solve. Let me try."

Phuwin said

"You could get hurt."

Fourth was worried

"It's okay, if you don't try it will be late."

Having said that, Phuwin began to dispel the barrier. As soon as he tried to dispel it for the first time, Phuwin was struck back by the electric current.

" Phuwin"

"Older brother!"

Dunk and Fourth worriedly supported Phuwin

"It's okay, let me continue"

Phuwin kept trying to solve it over and over again each time he could only find a way to break one passage. It took Phuwin the fifth time to break through the barrier, enough for each person to pass through in turn. Blood oozed from the corner of Phuwin's lips, he was exhausted and sat down on the ground

"Phuwin, you're seriously injured."

Fourth bent down to help him, using a towel to wipe away the blood.

"I'll rest here for a bit. Everyone go in first, otherwise we'll be late. I'll follow later."

Phuwin pushed the two people into the barrier. After a while he also followed, but his strength had not fully recovered so he had to walk little by little.


Harit Castle

"Are you almost ready?"

The voice of a man rang out, apparently wearing a black cloak covering his body, speaking to his subordinates

"Already arranged, Mr. Sing"

After hearing this sentence, a devilish smile appeared, his sly eyes looked at Platinum's group of people in front of him

"Hahaha, this day has finally come. Dad, just wait a little longer, you will be resurrected"


Dunk and Fourth successfully approached the outside of the castle. The two of them hid in a nearby tree to observe. There were many gatekeepers outside. Dunk and Fourth needed to find a way to sneak in.

"Brother, I've located that the left side near the back gate has only one alien guarding it. There's a hidden corner there. There's a good place to sneak in. I think we should go in from there."

"Okay, so the aliens are all under his hands."

Dunk and Fourth decided to act immediately afterwards. The two successfully carried out as planned, sneaking into the castle from the back door. Meanwhile, Phuwin had been walking for a while. Feeling better, he quickly sped away at the speed of a hunter. While he was using all his speed to go straight towards them, he was suddenly stopped. In front of him were Joong, Pond and Gemini.

"Why did your bloodline come here?"

Phuwin asked, he was in a hurry and encountered these three troublesome people

"Phuwin, it's very dangerous to go in there, you can't fight him alone."

Pond raised his voice

"But letting him revive is even more dangerous, aren't you the one who killed him? You also understand how dangerous it would be if he revived."

Phuwin spoke up. He raised his eyes and looked up into the distance. Blue light had begun to appear gathering in one place. He guessed that it was the castle where the resurrection was supposed to take place. There was no time left, Phuwin quickly left them and continued walking, but Pond pulled his hand back

"Why are you so stubborn? Just let me handle this, you can go home."

Phuwin yanked his hand away

"But Dunk and Fourth are in there, I can't leave them alone, they are my brothers "

Phuwin doesn't care if they follow him or not. He quickly went to the castle



The sound of a slap rang out in the air. Dunk had just been slapped by the man in black. His cheeks were marked with red fingerprints.

"You don't know my strength"

Just now, Dunk and Fourth had sneaked into the castle and had already approached the main hall. Looking at the seven people tied up lying on the seven corners of a circular spell, above that was the person wearing the black suit, he slowly took off his cloak, revealing his face.


Dunk and Fourth were hiding when they were discovered, so they had to fight. Everything would still be under control if there wasn't a strange smell in the air. When Dunk and Fourth smelled it, they were immediately controlled. unable to move, right after that, both of them were bound by electric current using magic. The more they moved, the more painful it became.

"Have you forgotten what my Harit family is associated with?"

He walked over and patted Fourth's cheek

"We can make poison"

"Comeon, it's almost time, it's an honor to let you all witness my father come to life"

As soon as he finished speaking, the time had already struck 12 o'clock at night, the moon shone straight down on the matrix he had drawn

"Go ahead"

He gave the order, and immediately two aliens ran up and killed the seven people. White blood flowed slowly, following the seven-pointed star mark. When it was covered, a blinding white light appeared. When he was about to recite the spell...

"Hey! Stop"

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