CH 54 - SEPERATION ? (2)

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Dunk kept hugging Joong and begging, Fourth had been stopping him but he still didn't pay any attention. Gemini was preventing Pond from performing the magic spell. Phuwin watched the scene taking place down there, unable to control himself but also surprised. His eyes looked down, Pond what is he doing, a matrix, Phuwin wondered, just now he heard Nat say that he had sacrificed half his life in the blood purification, is Pond planning to sacrifice himself?. Even though he didn't like Pond's face before, when he heard this, his heart suddenly ached.

Forcing himself to stay awake to look down at the situation around him, Dunk was hugging Joong sobbing, Fourth was hugging Dunk trying to calm him down, Gemini was preventing Pond from performing the other magic. The red light has begun to shine brighter, Nat is also weakening and looking for support. It seems like the matrix has started and can't be stopped.

How to describe Phuwin's feelings right now, witnessing Pond being crazy about him, from beginning to end his eyes were only on him, and about to use himself to take revenge on his behalf, what should he do. Pond stood down there, ignoring all of Gemini's objections, his mouth had begun to bleed but he still continued, knowing that this time he could die, but he could not forgive the person who had harmed him. the person he loves. Once he used this method to avenge the person he loved, what would it be another time? The person he currently loves is in pain up there, the person he loves to the core is fighting with him. death, tell him to just stand still and do nothing, he can't do it.

Thinking of this, Pond step by step began to enter the formation. Just as he was about to step foot into the matrix, a small figure rushed forward, pushed him away, and then used himself to rush into the matrix. This matrix only uses one person. When someone enters, it immediately closes and starts the sacrificial formation. Pond was suddenly pushed away, and was even more stunned when he saw that the small figure rushing in. It was Phuwin. Phuwin was sacrificing himself. He stood in the sacrifice circle, pulled out a silver dagger, and cut his wrist. blood slowly flows down, flows down and spreads out to the drawing in the matrix.

"Phuwin, who gave you permission to do that? Did I told you to rush in there."

Pond was scared, he rushed towards the matrix but was pushed away, his whole body trembled and repeatedly slapped his hands against the matrix barrier. He saw him sitting on the floor, breathing unevenly, just speaking softly to him.

"Anyway, I took the medicine and am about to die Pond. It's best to sacrifice my life. Your job now is to kill him."

Phuwin said tiredly, then fainted

"Phuwin, I won't allow you to die, wake up for me"

Pond continued to scream outside the barrier of the matrix, causing Gemini to rush to stop it because the matrix had already started. When blood had filled the drawing, the matrix combined with the vortex in the sky to create thousands of rays. The fire rushed straight at Nat, he only had time to scream in pain and then disappear.

The matrix ended, returning everything to the way it was. Dunk, suffering from Joong's shock, witnessed his brother using his body to sacrifice himself, then that little person lay motionless in the middle of the matrix without moving a bit. Fourth and Sanya standing near Dunk were equally shocked .

Pond slowly walked towards Phuwin, he hugged Phuwin, calling his name over and over but the person in his arms still did not make any movement. He lay there with a pale face, the blood on his wrist that had not yet had time to clot was still flowing out. Pond hugged Phuwin, screaming his name but he still didn't answer.

While hugging Phuwin, Pond was pulled up by his collar. Sanya ran to him and punched him painfully

"What the hell did you create, huh? You hurt Phuwin, you want to kill him, are you satisfied, you bastard!"

Every sentence was a punch from Sanya to Pond. Pond did not resist, he stood still and received everything Sanya said, he himself became powerless. Releasing Pond, Sanya walked to Phuwin's side, picked him up and walked past him

"It's best that you never come near Phuwin again"

Sanya hugged him back to the clan, Fourth also asked Gemini to bring Dunk back with him afterwards. Dunk kept hugging Joong, eventually bringing Joong with him to his clan. This time I'm afraid that his two dads will know everything, and I don't know if the two will help. Pond was left alone, he must have sat in a daze for a long time, then stood up and followed silently.


"Dad, I beg you, please save him."

"Why do I have to save a Vampire?"

Mix spoke up

"Dad, if I live without him, I will die too, Dad, I'm begging you, please save him."

"So that means you love a Vampire who almost killed you?"

"Dad, it's not his fault"

Dunk cried until his heart was paralyzed, holding his little father's arm tightly and begging. Even if there is still a glimmer of hope, he does not want his lover to die. In the end, because he loved his son, Mix agreed

"Okay, but if after this is over, you have to face Earth."

" Yes Dad"

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