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Lately, Phuwin has seen Fourth diligently eating cakes. Every few days, he sees him running to buy cakes to eat, and when s
he returns, he always has several boxes of cakes in his hand. Every time Fourth has free time, he runs down to the human world to meet that guy. Talking to him makes me very happy. That guy is also very kind. Every time he sees me, he buys me a lot of cakes. Today was the same, Fourth had just finished hunting at the training area when he rushed home to shower and change clothes. Today he had an appointment with that kind brother.

Currently, Fourth has been sitting with Ray for 15 minutes. Ray watched Fourth diligently eat the cake. When I wasn't paying attention, he only gave a small smile, but it was all filled with intrigue. Fourth raised his head, holding a spoon of cake in his hand

" Do you want to eat"

Ray also did not hesitate to go forward and take the piece of cake I gave him.

" Thank"

Fourth shyly lowered his head, his heart was pounding uncontrollably.

"Fourth, can I ask you something?"

"Yes ?"

"Do you have any brothers or sisters? Because looking at you makes me feel like you're being pampered and pampered?"

Fourth finished eating the piece of cake in his mouth and answered honestly

"I have two brothers, the older brother's name is Dunk, he's very warm, like P'Ray, the other one is P'Phuwin, he's a bit difficult to approach but also very nice"

"So... how is P' Phuwin now?"

"Um... He's been stuck at home in the weapons manufacturing room these past few days, and secondly he's gone to the hunting grounds to train with P' Sanya."

"Is that so, your P' Phuwin is really cool, so... do you know when he goes hunting?"

"It's late afternoon"

Ray didn't say anything else but just smiled, reached for the coffee cup on the table and took a sip, his eyes staring blankly full of dangerous implications. Currently he is hiding his identity as a vampire, he disguises himself as a low level hunter living in the human world. Don't wonder why an S-rank hunter like you can't smell his vampire scent, it's because he has a master behind him to help. This time approaching Fourth, there must have been a plot to get Phuwin's information from his innocent younger brother.


Currently, Fourth was using all his speed to run into the house, then ran all the way to the back yard to look for his brother. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the two of them sitting in the garden talking. He quickly ran over, breathing heavily. Just sat down at the table

"Brother, I want to ask something"

"What's wrong Fourth?"

Dunk looked at his brother and smiled

"I... No! My friend last week he met a very kind guy. Every time he go with him, my friend gets nervous, then his heart keeps beating, and when he look into his eyes, he feel nervous. shy, face keeps turning red, what is that feeling?"

After hearing this, Phuwin was surprised. Since when did Fourth have friends in the human world? Lately, I've been so engrossed in family matters that I've forgotten to take care of you. I don't even know that you have friends.

"Does your friend look forward to meeting him every hour?"

Dunk asked

" Yes"

"So your friend likes that guy"

After Fourth heard this, his heart started beating again and again, like, like, I like that kind guy. Phuwin sat and looked at Dunk, thinking in his head, perhaps his brother had experienced that feeling, hoping he wouldn't remember it and feel sad.

"Dude, is it true? So what should my friend do?"

"Really, if you like..."

"Emmm friend"

"Well, if your friend likes him, he should boldly confess your love. Don't let it slip out of your hands. If you lose something, you won't be able to find it again. You should cherish the time together before it's too late."

Dunk looked at his brother and answered, was he answering to his brother or confiding in himself, his eyes contained some bitterness, he himself was a loser in love, But go talk about love with other people.

"How's the plan going?"

"Having successfully gained his younger brother's trust, it won't be long before Phuwin comes to find him."

"There's not much time left, if you have the opportunity, go for it"



Ray was standing in a closed room, the man sitting turned his back in for a moment then turned his chair back, sitting across from him, none other than old Nat.

"How's Aydin's side?"

"Still under control"

"Pay more attention to his son, don't let him cause trouble for my plans"


"You can leave now, go"


"Phuwin, are you ready? Let's go."

Sanya's voice rang out

"It's done, it's done"

Phuwin walked out of the room

" Let's go"

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