LV 3 [a lockdown comedy] (scene 18) - would you reeler?

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Jesse and Kelsea are filming another skit for their web series Reel-A-Tables. Danny is filming with the tripod stand, while Tracy holds some cardboards of lines meant for Jesse and Kelsea to say.
Jesse: And until next time, it's your guy Jesse! Signing off!
Kelsea: (scoffs) And me, Kelsea. (She glares at Jesse) I'm here too
Jesse: (innocently) You are? [brief laugh track]
Logan: And CUT! (Tracy, Danny, Jesse, and Kelsea turn to give Logan weird looks. Logan is seen sitting on the big couch. He's sipping from a big plastic cup and wearing dark sunglasses)
Tracy: Logan, you don't have to say "Cut!" Although you could work well with some directors.
Logan: (scoffs) Oh, please. The last one I worked with tried to direct his way into my wardrobe [brief laugh track]. (He stands up) Since we're done, what do we do next?
Kelsea: You can tell us a flashback story. From the time you were Jesse's teacher. (smirks) You know, I've always wondered how Jesse was like when he was 5 years younger.
Logan: Jesse has always been cool, except for one time, he was trying to help my friend shoot a video. (smiles proudly) That day, I knew Jesse was destined to be an actor like his dad.
Tracy: He's the complete opposite of you.
Logan: I mean Gerald.
Tracy: (surprised) Gerald's an actor? Man, I knew his face looked so familiar. Either way, he's hotter.
Jesse: (nods) He's been on a break, though. Except when they moved out of the country recently. And can you not crush on my dad? He's taken by my mom.
Tracy: What if your dad's being single from the beginning?
Kelsea: That's still a no-go [brief laugh track]. (They all sit on the couch)
Logan: Anyway, this happened while Zoey was at Chicago for a movie shoot...

(The scene briefly flashes back to early 2015. Logan is shown sitting on the couch reading a novel. A then 5 year old Jesse watches him in boredom and heaves a sigh - twice. All of a sudden, the front door opens, and the two turn to face the open door. In waltzes, Trevor, who looks excited about something)
Trevor: (excitedly) Guess who's back for a guest appearance?! This guy! [applause track]
Jesse: (staring at Trevor for some seconds) I've never met you before in my life [brief laugh track]
Logan: You showing up in a flashback doesn't count as a guest appearance. Cause if it did, then that'd be crazy
Trevor: (he closes the door behind him and shrugs) Nah, I don't think so. In the future, you'll remember these words [another laugh track]. Anyway, I need your help to do a short video of myself auditioning for a role. And if I'm lucky, I could start an acting career. I might need at least 3 to 5 actors.
Logan: Don't you already have 2 jobs and your dad's company to work at?
Trevor: I'm still doing those. But I might need a few extras, and luckily, I know someone.
Logan: (smiles lightly) Wow, I never knew I was the one you thought of first
Trevor: (bluntly) Zoey was out of town. So I figured, Oh well, it wouldn't hurt to try Logan [laugh track]. (Logan widens his eyes in disbelief at the indirect fact that he isn't even an option in the first place, but he just shrugs)
Logan: If you're going to make this video, you need at least a few people. And if hiring other people was included as an option, then you have to be worried.
Jesse: It's true. Everyone in my school calls Logan "the teenage star" on that TV show [laugh track]
Trevor: (grins widely) Either way, I have the perfect people in mind. And the right scenario...

(Some minutes later, Trevor, Logan, and Jesse are seen in the living room where the couch has been moved toward the wall, giving the room a bigger space. There's a camera on a tripod and a phone leaming on a large box on the centre table set separately to video the whole thing. Just then, Anne walks in)
Anne: Can we get this over with? [applause track]
Logan: (to no one in particular) It's a flashback! It doesn't count as a guest appearance!
Trevor: (whispers to Anne) Do you know what's with him today?
Anne: (replies him) I know he's going to be your in-law someday [laugh track]
Jesse: (smiling at Anne) So, what's your name, beauty? I'm Jesse Carmichael (he extends his right hand for a handshake)
Anne: (she smiles and exchanges handshake with Danny) I'm Anne, nice to meet you, little charmer. (to Logan) You know, Jesse isn't exactly as shy as you described. He's very polite. I'm surprised.
Logan: Why are you surprised? He's a child.
Trevor: She's surprised he's the exact opposite of yourself [brief laugh track]
Danny: (grins widely) And I'm also not as childish as I look [laugh track amidst applause]. (Anne chuckles at the joke he made. Jesse turns to Logan and Trevor and smirks) Now that's how to talk to a lady
Logan: He ain't wrong.
Trevor: (Surprised) You're not upset?
Logan: Nah, because that will be child-ish (he winks at the others after adding the punchline. They face him like they're about to murder him for the word play joke he just made up) [brief laugh track]. Great, it's funny when he says it.
Jesse: I'm 6. Every terrible joke I make is funny [brief laugh track]
Danny: (walks in, scratching the striped red and green long sleeves with his plastic claw gloves) You know I'm having second thoughts about this whole saving thing [laugh track]
Trevor: Danny, I thought you're trying to attack me. Act like it. Did Logan teach you nothing?!
Logan: (rolls his eyes) Trevor, you're auditioning for a comedy show. You're not supposed to follow the plot [laugh track]
Anne: (to Trevor) No offence, but you need to start watching better television [another laugh track]

[Back to the present]
Tracy: So technically, Jesse's first role wasn't on that Crazy Kids movie, but as Kruger the Kid?
Jesse: Unfortunately, yes. The nightmare of that video still gives me sleepless nights [laugh track]
Logan: Trevor and Danny wouldn't let us have it for a week. Especially Danny. After the whole audition, Danny, not Jesse, would always try to talk to Anne non-stop whenever she came over.
Danny: (on the phone) Miss Anne, I know it's the pandemic, but I'd jump on a train for you. (pause) No, I said on, not in front of. I ain't no Bruno Mars, that's Trevor's job [laugh track]. (There's another pause. He says sweetly) Take all the time you want.
Logan: (gets a text on his phone and opens it) Oh, good thing I got this text on time. (reads aloud) It says, "Logan, warn your other kid! He's listened to many songs from Mars." (He shoots Danny a slight glare) [another laugh track]
Danny: (ignorantly) Hey, what a coincidence. She's a Bruno Mars fan.
Logan: She's trying to lock you out of your heaven, little man [laugh track]
Danny: (sadly) She thinks I'm awful. But I'm not like other boys.
Tracy: Oh please, you're still going to say that to two-thirds of all the girls in the world [laugh track]
Danny: I think I know what to do (he exits briefly)
Tracy: If there's one thing I learnt from this story, it's that Logan should be kept on the chair if he does any more awful word plays.
Kelsea: Good thing someone said so. No disrespect, Mr Hilson. And can someone do something about that guy? (Kelsea points at Danny as they all turn to face him. Danny is wearing a random black leather jacket and dark sunglasses and holding a brown guitar) [laugh track]
Jesse: Oh no, this is awful. Kelsea's terrible singing is bearable. (Kelsea shoots a quick glare at Jesse, who doesn't notice)
Danny: (singsony with a touch of drama) Tell the ladies I can buy them flowers (strums on a string). I can take them dancing (another strum) and maybe hold their hands (does another strum). When I become ... the man! [laugh track amidst applause]
Jesse: At least he realizes it's when he gets older.
Danny: Sorry, wrong lyric. (He clears his throat and sings) When I become the ladies' man! (Everyone groans, rolls their eyes, and walks out, completely unimpressed. As soon as they all exit the living room to the kitchen, Danny turns towards the phone set secretly at a corner of the dining table and stops recording. He smirks as he scrolls and types on his phone). And who says I can't make reel-a-table content? [brief laugh track amidst applause] (He quickly takes off the leather jacket and moves to the kitchen just as the scene ends).

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