Chapter 224: Immortal Ocean's Clan Arrival

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"Illumia, have Mother and Father still not returned?" Asked Elif as he opened his eyes and glanced at Illumia, who was standing beside his door while he floated in a meditative position above his bed.

"No, your Highness, Their Majesties haven't returned." Replied Illumia with a slight bow, her words causing Elif to frown as he lowered himself to the bed.

'Haa, they should be fine; even if they do happen to encounter someone more powerful than them, they are the Empress and Emperor of the Elven Empire. Only another Immortal Hegemony would dare do such a thing, and even then, they would think twice if it's worth possibly starting a war.' Thought Elif with a sigh as he shook his head before falling backward into his bed, resting his head upon his incredibly comfortable pillow.

I wouldn't normally be worried for Mother and Father, but there were only two days left until my birthday, and according to Father, they would return before my birthday. Now, with their cultivation bases, two days are plenty of time for them to return to the Empire, but since they still haven't, something must've gone wrong, which did slightly worry me, though a part of me expected this would happen.

"Why do I have a feeling Mother was the one to blame?" Muttered Elif, his words causing Maria, who was currently engaged in the middle of an intense fight, to shiver suddenly.

Well, there wasn't anything I could do about it, really; I just hoped they would return by tomorrow, or at least before the morning of my birthday. Hopping off my bed, I exited my room alongside Illumia following me, and as I did so, I noticed an abnormal amount of servants present in the halls, which has been the norm for the past week or so. Since there were only two days remaining until my birthday, everyone who was going to attend had already arrived, and they were currently somewhere within Yggdrasil; most of the men were either at the Gambling Leaf or brothels, while most of the women stayed within the palace.

Obviously, the women stayed within the palace so they may have the heavenly opportunity to lay their eyes upon my magnificent and graceful figure and possibly even have the luck to converse with me. However, other than looking from a distance, none of the women dared to get close. I don't know why that's so, but whenever I'm with Elaine, they always look at her with fear in their eyes, so I assume she has something to do with it, but I never bothered asking her; after all, I had no desire to speak to those women.

Most of the women that I happen to speak to all have ulterior motives, and it's also rather annoying showing a friendly facade to a bunch of insignificant plebeians, so I was actually quite thankful for Elaine's assistance, though that never stopped me from winking at them when I saw them.

'Speaking of those plebeians, there some are right now.' Mused Elif as he glanced to his right, noticing a couple of average-looking women consisting of different species walking together down the hall, only to momentarily freeze when they noticed Elif.

Seeing them freeze at my utterly astonishing beauty, I flicked my hair behind me and blew them a kiss before continuing on with my day, only to hear them loudly arguing with each other a few seconds later.

"Shut up, you whore! Prince Elif blew me that kiss!"

"As if you hideous scaly lizard, that kiss was most definitely meant for me."

"Tch, like Prince Elif, would find such a fat bitch like yourself worthy of a kiss; it was obviously meant for me, the most beautiful."

Hearing their arguing voice fading as I walked away, I couldn't help but chuckle; making women fight over me was one of the main reasons I enjoyed flirting. It's rather amusing to find a bunch of women who will never be my Empress fighting other women for an already taken position.

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