Chapter 251: Grandparents Arrive

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With my words officially starting the banquet, the large doors to the dining room suddenly opened, and numerous servants, carrying trays and pushing carts, entered, filling the entire dining room in mere seconds while a pleasant aroma wafted about. Starting at the center table, the servants gently set down our food and gave us a deep bow, prompting all the servants to serve the food to the other guests as we started eating.

"Oh, lightning cherry jam? Couldn't have asked for a better topping." Muttered Elif with a slight smile; grabbing his golden fork, which had purple tips, he stabbed it into the dish before taking a bit, only to nod in satisfaction.

"Delicous I presume, Elif?" Asked Marcus lightly with a faint smirk as he glanced at Elif to his left while eating a similar dish, only he had a different topping.

"Yes, so long as you add lightning cherries to it, I can almost guarantee you its quality will be massively enhanced." Replied Elif with a nod as he glanced at Marcus, who chuckled while taking another bite, spilling a little on his cheek.

"Be careful, your Highness." Said Illumia softly as she grabbed a handkerchief and leaned down, gently wiping Elif's cheek, a sight that didn't please a few women.

"Calm yourself, Illumia. Can your Prince not get a little dirty every now and then?" Asked Elif with a slight smirk and a raised eyebrow as he took another bite, though this time he purposely spilled on his cheek, causing Illumia to shake her head.

"If that is what you wish, I shall oblige; I'm merely a servant, after all." Said Illumia lightly as she stood still, not bothering to move, causing Elif to roll his eyes.

"Overdramatic, much, no?" Muttered Elif as he grabbed Illumia's hand, which was holding the handkerchief, and wiped his cheek.

Eating the remainder of the dish while purposely dirtying myself just so Illumia would be forced to clean me, I stabbed the final piece with my fork and floated it across the table to Elaine, who opened her mouth and ate it, only for her to nod with a smile before she did the same thing to me.

'Good, but I still think my dish is better: lightning cherries are hard to top.' Mused Elif with a lovely smile as he swallowed the food before grabbing Elaine's fork out of the air and seductively licking it while staring right into her eyes.

Just as I was seducing Elaine while also licking all of her delicious saliva off her fork, I was suddenly smacked in the back of the head, which annoyed me as I at first thought it was Father, but when I looked over at him, I noticed he was too busy happily feeding Mother food.

'Was it Illumia?' Thought Elif in doubt as he rubbed his head and looked behind him, only to spot Tiana staring right at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Behave, Elif; don't make me tell you again." Said Tiana seriously, repeatedly tapping her foot on the ground while eyeing Elif, who still had Elaine's fork in his mouth.

"Hehe, don't forget, you're the guest of honor, Elif; everyone was watching you. I think I even saw a few women faint." Commented Tyler with a slight chuckle as he glanced around, noticing several women looking at Elif while blood leaked down their noses; some were even being tended to by their servants or family members after fainting.

"Heh, and what's wrong with that Grandfather?" Asked Elif with a faint smirk, winking and blowing a kiss at Elaine while floating the fork back to her, earning looks of envy from every woman as she sucked on the fork without any shame.

"Haha, nothing at all, Elif. I see no problem with you playing around a little if you know what I mean." Replied Tyler with a boisterous laugh as he rubbed his bearded chin while giving Elif a knowing glint, only for the both of them to be smacked in the back of the head.

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