Chapter 229: Claudine Akuma

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"... After that, we finally managed to acquire your present, Elif, which was only a few hours ago, and then we headed directly back home." Said Marcus calmly with a bittersweet smile as he looked at Elif and Elaine before glancing at Maria, who, despite being shameless, couldn't help but look away.

"No offense, Mother, but I think it would've been quicker if Dad and I went instead of you, and I'm much more of a liability." Remarked Elaine with a slight smile as she snuggled up on Elif's lap before looking at Maria, who merely groaned but didn't reply.

"Yes, Mother, you're a little too overbearing, if I will add, which I have no problem with. I love you just the way you are, Mother, but it's not the best attitude to have when trying to negotiate with people." Added Elif with a forced smile while glancing at Maria before looking at Marcus in pity, who just grabbed his head and sighed.

"Hmph, I don't want to hear that from your mouth, Elif; with your pride, you can easily be much more overbearing than me; you have no right to lecture me on how to speak to people." Replied Maria with a huff and a light blush of embarrassment as she glared at Elif, who defensively raised his hand.

"Well, to be fair, Mother, I had to have learned it from someone; it wasn't Father, nor was it my Grandfather or Grandmother, and it couldn't have been Elaine. So that only leaves you left." Remarked Elif softly as he positioned Elaine, who was sitting on his lap, until he was somewhat hiding behind her.

"He's got you there, Dear." Commented Marcus with a slight smirk, causing Maria to shift her focus to him.

"You also shouldn't be speaking, Marcus; if it weren't for you agreeing to their negotiation, we wouldn't have been in half of those situations!" Yelled Maria in slight anger while eyeing Marcus, who, despite rarely ever arguing back, couldn't contain himself this time as he glared back at her.

"Yeah, I was forced to agree to their negotiations because someone thought it would be a good idea to force their way into the encampment instead of, I don't know, talking first! I swear, Maria, I don't think you've changed one bit since you became the Empress; you're still the same: hot-headed, overbearing, problem-creating Elder Sister!" Yelled Marcus angrily with a livid expression, his voice spreading throughout the entire royal estate as he slammed his fist on the throne, causing the whole palace to shake.

"Tch, so what if I am!? I bet you prefer if I was that emotionless, Claudine, don't you!?" Exclaimed Maria as she glared at Marcus, who flinched and went silent at the mention of Claudine.

Hearing what Mother said, both Elaine and I looked at each other with widened eyes, the two of us thinking the exact same thing.

'Father had an affair!?' Thought Elif and Elaine in disbelief before looking at Maria and Marcus, who had both gone silent.

"Who is this Claudine?" Asked Elif softly as he and Elaine glanced between Maria and Marcus.

"N-No one." Said Maria with an uncomfortable expression as she looked at Marcus, biting her lip before looking away.

"Mother, you can't expect to bring up such a sensitive topic and not tell us." Remarked Elaine as she eyed Maria, who sighed in defeat before gesturing to Marcus, whose face seemed to hold no emotion whatsoever.

Glancing at Father, just as I was about to ask him about this Claudine, he started speaking on his own violation.

"Haa, it happened when your Mother and I were younger; as I was a few years younger than Maria, I was just arriving at the Realm sect, the center area of the OverRealm, if you will call it as such. Obviously, at that time, I was already a man, and I hadn't seen Maria for several months, so my libido was at an all-time high; however, while searching for Maria, I learned she was greatly injured and was being hunted by the current Sect Master of the Immortal Demon Sect, Claudine Akuma." Stated Marcus with an intense frown and a hardened gaze while tapping his knee.

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