Chapter 255: More Presents

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While Matriarch Aasveig was holding onto the unconscious Eyvor, trying to awaken her without causing a scene, I grabbed the next dimension ring, which so happened to belong to Birger; scanning the contents of the dimension ring, I also saw two different objects. One was a normal yet interesting gift, while the other was, how should I put it, much more vulgar. I didn't need to be a scholar to realize the vulgar gift belonged to Nerthus, that lustful nympho; I don't know how, but she must've sneaked it in after Father had already collected all of the dimension rings from our guests.

There was a heart-shaped plant, and from the Qi it was emitting, it wasn't just your everyday plant that just so happened to be in the shape of a heart; it definitely does something, and I'm not going to consume it to find out. However, that's not all as tied to the vine of the heart-shaped plant was a golden key, one that I'm quite familiar with since it's the Qi given to unique or special guests; it pretty much grants one a higher level of authority than normal guests, but by providing this key to me, she was essentially inviting me to her room tonight.

'What annoys me the most is that if it weren't for Elaine, I'd actually think about her invitation instead of outright denying it, and it's all because of my abnormal lust.' Thought Elif as he glanced at Nerthus, who gave a subtle wink before she looked at Eyvor.

Ignoring Nerthus and her little present, if you could even call it such, I shifted my focus to the other, more appropriate gift; summoning it from the dimension, I held the large jar of dirt, which was rich in Qi, before glancing at Birger.

"I'm assuming this isn't just your average dirt, Birger?" Asked Elif with a raised eyebrow as he glanced at Birger before spinning the large jar on his finger.

"Obviously not, Prince Elif; that right there is a jar of soil specifically from our birthing grounds, the same soil I was born from. I don't dare say it's the richest soil in the OverRealm, but good luck finding soil better than what's in that jar." Said Birger with a faint smile as he looked at Elif before gesturing to the Jar, causing him to nod while slightly smiling.

"Well, I'm not much of a Gardener like Matriarch Aasveig or Eyvor, but I imagine such rare soil will come in handy; after all, we do grow a lot of plants. I appreciate the jar of dirt, Birger, although that's not something I'd ever thought I'd hear myself say." Remarked Elif with an appreciative smile before storing the jar within his won dimension ring; his words caused everyone to either smile, chuckle, or laugh, which nearly every woman did the latter, trying their hardest to be noticed by him.

"Same to you, Queen Nerthus; thank you for your gift; it was very unique." Added Elif as he gave Nerthus a slightly forced smile, causing her to smile while Elaine glared furiously at her, though Maria's soothing touches eased her a little.

"You're very much welcome, Prince Elif." Replied Nerthus with a smile before smirking at Elaine, teasing her, which could very well cause her to die in the far future, though for now, she was pretty safe from Elaine's wrath.

"Hmm, you had a present, Mother?" Asked Birger with a raised eyebrow as he glanced at Elif before looking at Nerthus, who was to his right in confusion, prompting her to chuckle softly.

"Hehe, It was a last-second present; that is why, dear." Said Nerthus with a motherly smile as she rubbed Birger's vine-like hair, causing him to grumble under his breath, while Elif grabbed the next dimension ring.

Grabbing the dimension ring belonging to Echo, I scanned inside, half expecting to find something vulgar or suggestive like the previous two dimension rings, but thankfully, that wasn't the case; instead, all I found was a single present, a small bottle, which held three pills inside.

'Ho, are these those Ikari pills I had asked Echo about during Eyvor's twelfth birthday celebration?' Thought Elif with a faint smile as he summoned the bottle and held it in his hand before removing the quark, allowing the smell to freely waft through the air.

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