Chapter 259: Dancing

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Watching Progenitor Lourdes walking through the dancing crowd, only to suddenly vanish as if she was never there in the first place, I spread my divine sense, hoping I could find her, but to no avail, causing me to foolishly shake my head as I retracted my divine sense shortly after.

'If Progenitor Lourdes doesn't wish to be found, Mother and Father won't be able to find her, let alone me.' Mused Elif lightly while shaking his head, forgetting about Progenitor Lourdes for now as he focused back on Elaine, who was sitting on his lap while rubbing her butt atop his groin.

"Is everything fine, Brother?" Asked Elaine curiously as she rested her hands on Elif's shoulder while tilting her head and glancing down at his crotch, noticing his erection vanishing.

"Haa, yes, of course, Elaine, though did you not see her touch my shoulder?" Replied Elif with a nod and a faint smile as he gave Elaine a peck on the lips before lifting her onto the table and standing up.

"Her? Did a woman just touch you, Brother? Who was it, Brother?" Questioned Elaine with a deep frown while glaring intensely at Elif, the blackness in her silver eyes reappearing as she scanned her surroundings.

"Don't worry about it, Elaine; I'll tell you about it later. Right now, I wish to enjoy dancing with my lovely little sister." Remarked Elif with a shake of his head and an amused smirk as he grabbed Elaine's hand, leading her to the dance floor.

Approaching the area where our parents and grandparents were dancing with each other, I turned around and reached down, grabbing Elaine's waist while she sported an annoyed expression before sighing and grabbing my shoulders.

"Hmph, I'll concede since it's your birthday, but you must tell me who this woman is; I dislike it when random women interact with you, Brother." Said Elaine with a huff as she looked up at Elif with her tainted silver eyes while dancing rhythmically to the music.

"Ho, don't tell me dear little sister is jealous?" Asked Elif with a raised eyebrow and a sly smirk as he looked at Elaine, who huffed once more before looking away, not even bothering to respond.

"Hehe, don't need to be so embarrassed, Elaine; I'm also a little jealous. Do you know how annoying it is for me to see all these pathetic insects look at you with their lecherous eyes? They should feel privileged to gaze upon your heavenly beauty, yet they dare to hold lustful intentions about you. Hmph, it's irritating." Added Elif with a slight chuckle as he looked down at Elaine before he, himself, sported an annoyed expression, signs of anger clouding his eyes as he gazed at the guests, spotting numerous men looking at Elaine with hidden lustful desires.

"Hmm, d-do you really feel jealous, Brother?" Asked Elaine skeptically as she gave Elif a side glance, though he was currently warding off numerous lecherous gazes with his piercing purple eyes, which struck fear into every young man.

"Of course, I feel jealous; I wish I were the only man who got the privilege to gaze at your marvelous beauty, but alas, that isn't the case." Replied Elif with a slight smile as he glanced back at Elaine, who nodded her head before slightly blushing.

"W-Well, I suppose I was a little jealous; I also want you to myself." Declared Elaine softly as she looked up at Elif, staring right into her purple eyes while he gently stroked her cheek.

"See, was that so hard to admit, my envious little sister?" Asked Elif with a mischievous smirk as he trailed his thumb across Elaine's lip, though she pouted before huffing and looking away.

"Hmph, I knew it, Brother; you're going to tease me now! What Husband teases his own Wife?" Said Elaine in annoyance while pouting with puffed cheeks as she eyed Elif, who couldn't help but chuckle in amusement.

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