Chapter 215: First Guest

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"Mind letting me go, Echo? I'm sure you don't want to be known as the person who suffocated the most gorgeous being to death." Asked Elif lightly as he looked up at Echo while his head was stuck in between her large breasts, though despite his words, it wasn't like he needed to breathe in the first place.

"Ah, my apologies, Prince Elif, I was getting a little ahead of myself." Replied Echo with an awkward smile and a slight blush as she released Elif from her bosom while setting him back on the ground.

Slightly shaking my head at her antics, I looked behind her and saw her younger brother, Mada, approaching us while her Mother and Father, Matriarch and Patriarch Krodh of the Asura Clan, exited the carriage. Despite being a woman, Echo resembled her Father more than her Mother, which wasn't bad; it's just a little surprising since Echo is quite beautiful, yet she resembles a man more than a woman, though I didn't dwell on it for long.

Among all the Asuras I've seen when I visited the clan, Patriarch Krodh is one of the largest Asuras, standing close to a height of four meters, towering over Matriarch Krodh, who was only about three meters, though he was only slightly taller than Echo. Just like Mada, neither had markings covering their body; from my experience, it was unique only to Echo, though they both had prominent muscles that lined every inch of their body, which was quite the opposite from me. I mean, I obviously had muscles, but they were small compared to an Asuras.

'Still, my beauty isn't defined by just muscles.' thought Elif narcissistically while smirking as he flicked his silver hair behind his ear.

"Mada, Patriarch, and Matriarch Krodh, it's good to see you both; I expected Mada to come, so I'm not surprised he's here, but I didn't expect both of you to come." Remarked Elif lightly as he glanced at Mada, who gave a slight bow before looking at Patriarch and Matriarch Krodh.

"Even if we are currently on friendly terms, Prince Elif, you're the Crown Prince of an Immortal Empire; we must still show proper respect." Said Patriarch Krodh in a deep voice with an unreadable expression as he looked down at Elif, who nodded back in turn.

"Understandable; I suppose even if it's my Birthday, some politics will inevitably be involved. Just know, though, I will not be entertaining political talks on my Birthday, so I would suggest getting them all out of the way before then." Replied Elif with a slight frown at the thought of politics before shaking his head slightly.

"If it's not too much trouble, Prince Elif, could you lead us to their Majesties? We'd like to express our gratitude for having us." Asked Matriarch Krodh in a soft voice, unbefitting of her appearance, though he had expected it as this wasn't Elif's first time meeting them.

"Ah, about that, there is no need; Mother and Father are not present; they are currently out of the Empire, acquiring a present for me." Said Elif while dismissively waving his hand as he turned around and started walking toward the palace, the four following behind him.

"Anyways, since you're the first guest to arrive at the Elven Empire, not to mention this is your first time ever visiting, you'll get the heavenly privilege of being shown to your rooms by the one and only Elif August." Added Elif with his trademark narcissism, something the four have come to learn when visiting the Asura clan.

"We're the first guests, Prince Elif?" Asked Mada with a raised eyebrow, walking beside Echo while Patriarch and Matriarch Krodh followed behind them, the four calmly observing everything.

"Yes, such a thing shouldn't be surprising considering how early you all arrived; even I was surprised by how early you showed up. There are still two weeks until my Birthday, you know." Replied Elif as he turned around and walked backward just as they entered the palace, allowing him to look at the four.

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