Chapter 232: Third Epiphany

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"So, what's got my favorite Grandson troubled on his birthday?" Asked Tiana with a slight smile as she looked up at the comedic scene of Elif sitting on her lap.

"Haa, Elaine and I had a fight." Replied Elif with a sigh while shaking his head, his words surprising both Tiana and Tyler.

"A fight? My grandchildren are getting old; to think, just a few years ago, I was explaining cultivation to you." Remarked Tyler with a raised eyebrow as he looked at Elif before setting down his teacup and sighing.

"Isn't that ironic? Shortly after Maria and Marcus made up, you and Elaine got into a small fight. What was it about, Dear?" Said Tiana with a slight smile before shaking her head and curiously looking at Elif, who slightly blushed at her words.

"It's about my pride getting in the way of our love, or more specifically, our ability to make love." Stated Elif with a faint tint of red on his cheeks as he looked at Tiana and Tyler, who were both trying to suppress their laughter, though they only ended up with Elif's blush deepening.

"Hmph, stop laughing; I'd come here for advice, not for my Grandparents to laugh at my predicament!" Yelled Elif with a blush of shame as he clenched his fists while glaring at Tiana and Tyler, who reigned in their laughter and regained their composure.

"Haa, sorry about that, Dear; we didn't, or at least I didn't mean to laugh at your problem; it's just, out of everything I imagined you were troubled by, it was this of all things." Said Tiana as she exhaled a large breath before grabbing Elif's head and embracing him, nearly suffocating him in her breasts.

"However, if you wish us to advise you on what to do, we'll need to know where and how it started." Remarked Tyler lightly with a nod as he looked at Elif, whose face was stuffed in Tiana's breasts, just like she'd done when he was younger.

"I feel like you just want to know so you can laugh at me, Grandfather." Said Elif as he squinted his eyes and glared at Tyler, who didn't bother responding.

"Well, that fool Tyler may laugh at your misfortune, Dear, but your Grandmother will always be here to help you." Declared Tiana with a motherly smile as she kissed Elif on the cheek, slightly improving his mood.

"Thanks, Grandmother; you were always my favorite Grandparent for a reason." Muttered Elif with a soft smile as he hugged Tiana back before eyeing Tyler with a mischievous smirk, causing him to huff in annoyance and look away.

"So, start from the beginning where things went wrong." Said Tiana seriously as both she and Tyler intently listened while Elif began recounting the events.

"Well, it first started about four years ago, shortly after my first trip out of the Kingdom; Elaine and I were bathing, and she tried to get sexually intimate, but I stopped her and said we should wait until we were of age. I thought what I said was reasonable and would be fine, but Elaine was rather stubborn, and over the years, she constantly tried to push the boundaries I had set for us. However, unlike the other days, it seemed like she'd finally had enough today as she stormed angrily out of our bath." Declared Elif as he looked down and sighed when he finished, causing everyone to descend into silence while Tiana rubbed his back.

"How badly do you wish to become one with Elaine?" Asked Tiana with a thoughtful expression, only that caused Elif's blush to deepen even more at such a question, though he answered truthfully.

"A lot; honestly, whenever I'm with Elaine, that's pretty much all I think about." Replied Elif with crimson cheeks as he looked away from Tiana, who was smiling.

"But not enough to the point where you're willing to go against your word, to go against your pride. Am I right, Elif?" Remarked Tyler seriously as he looked at the embarrassed Elif, who nodded after a slight hesitation.

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