Chapter 237: The Elf That Puts Incubi To Shame

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Seeing Suscila slowly losing her will to resist my advances, I pushed even further, going so far as to grab underneath her thigh, lifting her upwards as I leaned closer, our breaths hitting our faces.

"What do you say, Suscila? Won't you be mine?" Asked Elif softly with a lovely smile as he rested his forehead on Suscila's, gazing deeply into her confused eyes.

"I-I-I can't, Elif; I-I'm already in a marriage contract." Said Suscila with a troubled expression as she slowly lost herself in Elif's charming purple eyes.

"So? Just break it; don't you want to be with me instead, Suscila?" Remarked Elif lightly as he pressed his body against Suscila's, using his hand, which was previously retraining her arm, to brush her lips, causing her a shiver to run through her spine.

"B-But I'm the one who agreed to the contract; if I break it now..." Muttered Suscila uncertainly as she looked at Elif, though she was interrupted as Elif forcefully shut her mouth using his lips.

As utterly disgusting it was to kiss her, the progress I was making was too slow, I had a time limit, and if I took too long, I've no doubt Elaine will come and search for me; unlike kissing Illumia, Idonea, Mandy, or Marley, I won't be able to appease Elaine so easily if she catches me kissing Suscila, a woman she's never seen before.

Not only was kissing Suscila disgusting, but she was so inexperienced she didn't help at all in making this even slightly more bearable; though I guess it didn't matter, nothing she did would make me enjoy it. Retracting my lips from her mouth, causing a string of saliva to connect us before breaking apart, I looked back into her eyes, and with one look, I could tell she had fallen for me; while one may think that is relatively fast, you must not forget, I am Elif August, the most charming, gorgeous, and heavenly being in all of existence.

"What do you say, now, Suscila? Will you be mine?" Asked Elif with a seductive look as he eyed Suscila, who wordlessly nodded, still trapped in a daze from the kiss.

Seeing her nod, I inwardly smirked in victory before picking her up in a princess carry, something I've only done for Elaine, and approached the bed, setting her down as I straddled over her.

Keeping up my facade, I leaned down, kissing Suscila again, snapping her out of her previous trance as she started reciprocating by kissing me back; her prior resistance was nowhere to be seen; she was entirely under my bewitching charm, almost as if I was a true Incubus.

As we continued to 'passionately' kiss, Suscila got a little too into it and started feeling all over my body, causing me to near recoil in disgust, but I kept it hidden within myself, while on the outside, I even took off some of my clothes, giving her a bare view of my upper body.

"Ah, your skin, it's so smooth and tender." Muttered Suscila with a lovely expression as she rubbed her hands over Elif's chest before moving down toward his abdomen.

"But of course, my dear Suscila; however, it's not fair that only I've gotten naked, is it?" Said Elif with a smirk as he reached down and grabbed Suscila's clothes before slowly removing her top, only for her to clutch his hand.

"Umm, I-I've never had another man see me stark; y-you'll be the first." Remarked Suscila shyly with a blush as she looked at Elif, who softly smiled before kissing her, easing her worries.

Once she released my hand, I pulled off her top, revealing her pink bra, which contained her average-sized breasts that were slightly bigger than Mandy's and much smaller than Illumia's. However, I couldn't care less; I was just moving as fast as I could so I could get over with this self-imposed punishment. Grabbing the bra, with a wave of my hand, they flew off, finally displaying her blue breasts while her pink, erect nipples took full stage.

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