Chapter 266: Returning To Normal/ V7 End!

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"Haa, well, I'm glad you two enjoyed yourselves, but because of your inability to control yourself, we were forced to deal with your guests, Elif." Said Maria with a slightly annoyed expression as she folded her arms and looked at Elif, who coughed before pointing at Elaine.

"It's Elaine's fault, Mother; no matter what I said, she wouldn't let me go." Stated Elif as he shamelessly pushed the blame onto Elaine, who looked at him in disbelief.

"Hmph, I couldn't have even if I wanted to, Brother; you held me down the entire time; I could barely move." Declared Elaine as she glared at Elif, and just when it looked like they were about to argue, Marcus cleared his throat, stopping them.

"Enough, you two; as your parents, we're not that interested in knowing our children's private time; besides, it doesn't matter what actually happened; you two still spent three entire days in there, and that is far too long when you knew there were guests present." Said Marcus with a slight frown as he looked at Elif and Elaine, though he mainly referred to the former, causing the latter to snicker quietly.

'Tsk, this little girl.' Mused Elif as he gave Elaine, who was quietly snickering to herself, a side glance before he looked back at Marcus and Maria.

"Haa, I apologize, Mother and Father, it won't happen again. Probably." Stated Elif with a light sigh as he glanced between them, causing their faces to twitch before Maria rubbed her face while Marcus sighed.

"And you, young Miss, don't think you won't be getting punished for what you did to Nerthus; as a Princess, you behaved incredibly poorly, and I'm quite disappointed in you, Elaine." Stated Marcus as he shifted his focus from Elif to Elaine, causing her to hang her head down while Maria nodded in agreement.

"Hmm, what are you three referring to? What did you do to Queen Nerthus?" Asked Elif curiously as he glanced at Elaine, who lightly shook her head, prompting him to look at Maria and Marcus.

"Something we'll talk to her in private about." Declared Maria with a frown as she waved her hand, causing Elaine's dimension ring to fly off her finger and into her hand.

"You'll get this back in one month, and don't you dare try to talk back." Added Maria as she held Elaine's dimension in her hand before quickly closing her other hand, causing Elaine's mouth also to close while she sported an annoyed expression.

'Wish I could do that.' Thought Elif as he glanced at Maria forcefully shutting Elaine's mouth before looking at Illumia.

"Also, the Patriarch of the Phoenix Clan said the flame of Rebirth will be opened in one month; he also gave me a list of necessary resources for the ritual to be successful." Said Marcus as he looked at Elif before summoning a small piece of paper and floating it toward him.

Grabbing the paper, I looked at the long list of required resources, and other than a few things I'd never heard of, such as the Crystal of Darkness and Cloud of Eternity, everything we had was in abundance; at least we had enough where no one would mind if I took one or two.

'I had nearly forgotten about the flame of rebirth.' Mused Elif with a raised eyebrow before storing the list within his dimension ring and suddenly summoning another dimension ring with a complicated expression.

"Now that I'm not up on stage, about your present Mother and Father-" Said Elif with an uneasy expression as he held the dimension which contained a long floating Wisp, though before he could finish, Maria interrupted.

"The Wisp is dead, Elif; if that's what you're concerned over, you need not worry; it's been dead for eons, far before even your Grandparents were born." Stated Maria with a shake of her head as she looked at Elif, who frowned while scanning the dimension ring with his divine sense once more.

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