Chapter 201: Five Others

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With Elif collapsing unconscious from overuse of his forbidden technique, he and Elaine returned to the palace alongside Miss Lynda as she tended to their wounds; while they were doing that, Maria and Marcus took control of the Treasure realm, which, in fact, turned out to be just a random Heavenly realm void of any intelligent life that Progenitor Lourdes used, seemingly have known a gateway to the Nether dimension would appear.

Which, in turn, caused them to wonder if Progenitor Lourdes had set everything up from the beginning. Though I suppose the only one who knows the question to that would be Progenitor Lourdes herself, along with Aurora and a few very close confidants of his.

Far, far away from the domain of the Elven Empire, the Immortal Demon sect existed in a place with flat ground and only a few mountains that served as their territory, which was smaller than any Immortal Empire yet bigger than any Immortal Clan.

The Demon sect was constructed not too different from Yggdrasil, the Elven Empire's capital; tall walls surrounded the entire sect, along with two walls within it that got progressively smaller. The outer wall, also known as the outer section, was filled with tightly packed buildings and was bustling with a variety of demons as they walked along the streets with a purpose; there were other species, but they were the vast minority.

However, unlike the Yggdrasil, whose citizens peacefully moved through the city with order, the outer section seemed not to understand the word peace as fights broke out every minute, the cause of it usually being just a minor inconvenience. Within the outer section, the only known rule was to obey the words of the Elders who governed the day-to-day arrangements of the outer section. This meant there was no semblance of order whatsoever; fights happening were a daily and common occurrence, and if you wanted to survive and not become a slave or possibly end up dead, you needed to be strong, as the Immortal Demon sect held no pity for the weak.

Deeper within the sect, there was another set of walls, called the inner walls, that separated the outer section from the inner section; unlike the outer disciples, who were nothing but ruthless and chaotic, the inner disciples were valued much more by the sect, meaning fights were against the rules. Of course, they were not entirely against the rules; if one wanted to engage in battle, they would need to head to an arena, though be warned that once two people step into the arena, only one is allowed to leave.

The inner section is significantly smaller than the outer section, though, despite that, the inner disciple's homes were not tightly packed together like bundles of flowers. Leaving the inner section and heading even deeper inside for a second time, we arrive at the core wall, or the core section; this area is also much smaller than the inner section, but it is much nicer and filled with significantly fewer people. As core disciples were seen as the future pillars of the Immortal Demon sect, all forms of killing were prohibited, which is one of the reasons why most core disciples got along with each other as they knew it would be stupid to make an enemy you can't kill; well at least until they've become elders, though that was far into the future.

Now, looking into the sky, one would notice three massive mountains, taller than every other mountain, as they loomed over the sect; atop those mountains were the three most crucial places for the Immortal Demon sect. The smallest mountain among the three consisted of the Sect Master's palace, where the sect master and their direct disciples lived. On the second smallest or largest mountain, The Ancestral mountain, was where those who managed to ascend beyond a True God Emperor and reach the Tribulation realm resided. Last but not least, the Treasury mountain was the lifeblood of the Immortal Demon sect, as it stored all of their most valuable treasures.

Though all three were important, what we cared about right now was the Sect Master's palace, specifically the disciple and son of the Sect Master, Aurora.

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