Chapter 217: Suscila The Fiancé

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With Elaine and I having finished bathing, one of us in a far better mood than the other, we walked through the palace and headed to where Echo and Mada were; from what I could tell through my divine sense, it looked like they had their servants lead them through the palace, seemingly giving them a tour.

Since they were also constantly moving, and neither of us was in a hurry, it took several minutes before we finally met up with the two Asuras, and it just so happened to be near the throne room.

"Ah, Prince Eif, we were just getting a tour of the palace, and I must say, this place is utterly beautiful; it makes me feel like the Asura Clans Manor is just an average house." Stated Echo with a smile as she turned around, noticing Elif and Elaine, along with their attendants, before approaching them.

"I appreciate the compliment, but the Asura clan is quite unique in its own right; I've never seen so many statues of just muscles in one place that has to account for something, no?" Replied Elif with a slight smile as he summoned his Quạt tay and fanned himself, his words causing Echo to display a large, prideful smile.

"Hehe, well, what can I say? We Asuras love muscles, and I'm no exception." Said Echo as she placed two hands on her hips, folded her other two arms just underneath her large breasts, and flexed her final two arms, displaying her large biceps.

"Anyways, Miss Muscles, as you two can obviously tell, this is Elaine August, my beloved little Sister and the Crown Princess of the Elven Empire." Declared Elif with a large smile as he used his Qi, creating an illusory background of flowers behind Elaine, causing her to look even more beautiful than usual.

"It's delightful to finally meet one of Brother's acquaintances, Echo Krodh; you as well, Mada Krodh." Said Elaine with a charming smile as she grabbed the hem of her dress and gave a greeting bow, her actions causing Mada to blush from her beauty while Echo merely smiled.

"It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Princess Elaine; I was hoping I'd get the chance to meet you at my coming-of-age birthday celebration, but Prince Elif had said you were doing something rather important. Anyways, I'm glad I could at least meet you now." Stated Echo with a large smile as she also gave a slight bow before intently observing her physique, something Elif noticed, which caused him to smirk mischievously.

"Y-Yes, it's w-wonderful to also m-meet the person Prince Elif a-always speaks about; I-I must say, h-his words, d-doesn't do you any j-justice, y-you're much more c-charming than he led y-you on to be, Princess Elaine." Said Mada as he stepped forward and slightly bowed while constantly stuttering in nervousness, his cheeks noticeably blushing.

"Hehe, I appreciate the compliment, Mada." Commented Elaine with a soft chuckle, which sounded like the laughter of an immortal to Mada.

"Eh, what's wrong with you, Mada? Why are you so nervous?" Questioned Echo with a raised eyebrow as he glanced at Mada, who just gave her an annoyed glare.

"You should know I'm not good at dealing with women, Sister; I always get slightly nervous when speaking to one; that's why I tend to avoid them. And Princess Elaine's sheer beauty is only making this many times more difficult for me." Stated Mada in annoyance as he looked at Echo, who tilted her head before nodding, while Elaine laughed again.

"Hmm, now that you mention it, I do remember you saying something like that some years ago; is that why, despite being so old, you still don't have a fiancé?" Remarked Echo with a thoughtful expression before nodding while glancing at Mada.

"If I'm not mistaken, haven't you already rejected roughly fifteen marriage proposals, Sister? Also, I'm not the one without a fiancé." Said Mada with a slight smirk, his words causing Elaine to frown slightly as she glared at Echo.

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