Chapter 230: Crown Prince Elif's Birthday

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After the little disgusting incident with Mother and Father, Elaine and I just continued enjoying each other's presence amidst the silent yet peaceful throne room, though we, unfortunately, had to end our blissful moment as it was getting rather late, so we needed to cultivate; of course, there is no one forcing us to cultivate, so it's not like we have to do it, but neither one of us are willing to skip a night of cultivating unless there was something serious happening. And besides the fact that Mother and Father were most definitely making love right about now, there was nothing that required our attention right now.

"Alright, Elaine, you can hop off now. I've arrived at my room; I can't cultivate with you on my back." Remarked Elif lightly as he looked at Elaine, resting her head on his shoulder while he carried her on his back.

"Hmm, a few more minutes." Replied Elaine lazily with a lovely smirk as she soaked in Elif's warmth, earning glares of envy from every maid, though a single glance from her caused them all to shiver in fear.

"Come on, Elaine, don't make me force you off my back." Said Elif as he lightly squeezed Elaine's plump butt, causing her to release a sharp breath directly into his ear, stimulating him even more.

'Haa, this girl.' Mused Elif with a sigh as he shook his head while feeling his body react on its own.

Suppressing my rising lust, I removed my hands from Elaine's soft yet firm butt and waved my right hand, utilizing my Qi to remove her from my back, which proved more difficult than it should've been as she was holding onto me for dear life; though once she was finally separated from me, she just dangled in the air.

"Don't give me that look, Elaine; we need to cultivate; we can cuddle all you want to tomorrow." Remarked Elif with a wry smile as he waved his hand again, dropping Elaine, who folded her arms and looked away while pouting.

"Hmph, I want to cuddle right now." Replied Elaine with puffed cheeks, looking utterly adorable.

"Stop acting like such a child, Elaine; unfortunately, we've got things to do. I also wish I could cuddle with you right now." Said Elif lightly with a shake of his head as he leaned down and affectionately rubbed Elaine's head.

"Fine, but I want to have you all to myself tomorrow; we will cuddle all day long!" Stated Elaine seriously as she eyed Elif, who merely grinned.

"Aren't you greedy, Elaine; you want to monopolize me on my coming-of-age birthday. However, as you're my lovely, adorable little sister, I shall so graciously allow it." Declared Elif with a mischievous grin, prompting Elaine to display a large, victorious smile as she kissed Elif.

"Hehe, thanks, Brother!" Replied Elaine, though before she could do anything, she was suddenly pushed against the wall while Elif sealed her lips shut with his own.

'No matter how often I taste Elaine's lips, they're so sweet and delicious; not even lightning cherries can compare.' Thought Elif as he passionately kissed Elaine while their tongues danced about.

"Haa, don't start something you know you can't finish, Elaine." Stated Elif seductively as he looked down at Elaine, staring into her lust-filled eyes, which mirrored his own, while their bodies heated up.

"I'll see you tomorrow, my little sister." Added Elif with a smirk as he kissed Elaine once more before entering his room, followed by a slightly envious Illumia.

Feeling Brother's lip vanish, I opened my eyes and saw him disappear into his room with that stupid fucking whore Illumia; I wanted to call out to him, but it was too late.

'I-I need to relieve myself.' Thought Elaine with blushed cheeks as she felt her core, which was practically on fire, burn in arousal.

Amidst my clouded mind, I left Brother's door and slowly walked to my room, which wasn't far, while using the walls to support my weak legs, which were ready to give out at any second.

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