Chapter 231: Elif & Elaine's First Fight

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After kissing Elaine for several minutes straight, she finally freed my lips before turning around and resting her back on my chest while glancing at the four women in the bath with us, though I was a little too surprised to notice the invisible battle she was fighting.

'Elaine's never been so aggressive before; I kinda liked it.' Mused Elif in surprise as he touched his lips with a dazed look, the sensation of Elaine's soft, supple lips pressed against his own still vividly in his mind.

"So, what are you guys doing here? Did Brother ask you to join him?" Questioned Elaine curiously as she looked between Marley, Idonea, Mandy, and Illumia, though that was simply a facade, one that she was giving her all to keep up.

"His Highness had asked me to join, your Highness; however, Marley, Idonea, and Mandy all entered on their own accord without his permission." Replied Illumia softly, carefully choosing her words while feeding Elif lightning cherries, though Elaine quickly stopped that.

"Oh, is that so? Interesting. Also, you don't need to do that, Illumia; I think it's only right that as Brother's future wife, I should be the one who feeds him, don't you think so?" Remarked Elaine with a nod as she eyed Mandy, Idonea, and Marley, who all avoided eye contact before glancing back at Illumia, snatching the bowl of lightning cherries right out of her before she could even respond.

"I said, don't you think so, Illumia?" Asked Elaine again as she held the bowl in her hands and leaned closer to Illumia, her facade momentarily faltering, causing her expression to be full of unbridled wrath while killing intent seeped out of her eyes as if the abyss within herself was overflowing.

"Y-Yes, your Highness; o-of course, you should be the one to feed His Highness; I was just filling your role until you arrived. I apologize if I overstepped my boundaries." Replied Illumia swiftly as she slightly backed away from Elif while giving a slight bow to Elaine, who, despite being vastly weaker than her, instilled fear in her that she'd only felt a few times in her life.

"Hehe, it's okay, Illumia, as long as you know I'm the one who is supposed to cater to Brother's EVERY need." Said Elaine lightly, her facade returning as she harmlessly smiled while emphasizing the word every, making sure she got her point across, which, from the rapid nodding Illumia did, seemed to succeed.

"Here, you go, Brother; say ahh." Added Elaine with a lovely expression of a little sister as she turned around and straddled Elif's waist, keeping the bowl between them as she hovered a lightning cherry above his mouth.

Hearing Elaine speaking to me, I shook my head, snapping myself out of my daze, and saw her staring right at me with her beautiful silver eyes that I could look into for all of eternity and not get bored. Seeing her dangling a lightning cherry above me, I tilted my head and opened my mouth, making sure to suck on her delicious fingers, which tasted far superior to some measly cherries.

"Ahh, so delectable." Said Elif with a smile as he swallowed the cherry and looked at Elaine, who chuckled before feeding him another cherry.

"Hehe, what's so delectable, Brother? Is it the lightning cherries you eat every day, or my fingers you seem to suck on with such intensity, like your trying to rip them off my hand?" Questioned Elaine with a lovely smile as she dropped another cherry in Elif's mouth, though he grabbed her wrist this time and didn't let her fingers leave his mouth.

"You're fingers, of course, my dear little sisters. I could suck on these forever and still feel like I'm not getting enough." Replied Elif with a playful smile as he washed each of Elaine's fingers with his saliva before finally allowing her to retract her hand.

"Heh, you're so weird, Brother; what kind of person enjoys sucking on fingers?" Remarked Elaine with a slightly naughty smile as she stared intently at her saliva-covered hand, using all of her willpower not to lick her hand clean and slurp up all of Elif's saliva.

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