Chapter 233: Elaine's Tea Of Love

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After what felt like days of me mindlessly deepening my comprehension of my Immortal Will, I was finally brought back to reality as I shook my head and looked around, only to notice I was still sitting on Grandmother's lap.

'Hmm, that feeling; had I just experienced an epiphany?' Mused Elif in uncertainty with a curious expression as he glanced at Tiana and Tyler.

"How long has it been, Grandmother?" Asked Elif as he glanced down at Tiana, who wryly smiled while gently rubbing Elif's head.

"Not too long, Dear, but it was most definitely your longest epiphany yet; it's been roughly an hour." Replied Tiana as she looked at Elif and shook her head.

"I think you're the only person who's experienced three epiphanies before becoming an adult; whether you'll have any more or not doesn't matter as that's already incredible." Added Tiana lightly with slight disbelief while Elif shook his head.

"I'm already an adult, Grandmother, so I've only experienced two, not three." Said Elif, though his words caused Tiana to smirk slightly.

"Well, technically, it's only been fifteen years, eleven months, three-hundred-sixty-four days, twenty-three hours, thirty-six minutes, and fifty-four seconds since Maria birthed you. You're still not an adult just yet." Stated Tiana with a smirk, causing Elif to look blankly at her before slightly shaking his head.

"Whatever you say, Grandmother." Muttered Elif with a nod, not bothering to argue with Tiana; it was not like he'd win in the first place.

Standing up from Grandmother's lap, I leaned down and kissed her on the cheek before smiling.

"Thanks, Grandmother." Said Elif with a smile, while Tiana gave a motherly smile in response.

"Of course, Dear; if you're ever feeling troubled with something, your Grandmother will always do her best to help you. Now go run along; I'm sure you have much to say to Elaine and much more to do to her." Replied Tiana with a motherly smile as she waved her hand while giving Elif a knowing look and a mischievous smirk, one that caused Elif to blush slightly.

"I-I will." Said Elif softly with a nod before turning around and flying away, heading towards the lively palace in the distance.

"Hmph, maybe you really are his favorite Grandparent." Muttered Tyler with a slight frown of annoyance from having been ignored by both Elif and Tiana.

"Heh, is my baby Brother jealous of his Elder sister?" Said Tiana with a teasing smirk as she looked at Tyler, who clicked his tongue in annoyance and sipped his tea while ignoring the chuckling Tiana.


As it was my birthday, while I walked through the palace, whether it be servants or guards, they all bowed and congratulated me while the guests did the same except bowing, which I reciprocated with a nod, and if the person in question happened to be a woman, I either kissed in their direction or winked at them; if they were more beautiful, I'd do both, causing them to swoon while earning the envy glares of other women.

Turning the corner, I stopped and smiled as I saw Elaine in the distance, along with that irksome Maxim, though his presence wasn't enough to ruin my mood as I swiftly walked right toward my beautiful little sister.

"Happy birthday, Prince Elif; congratulations on be-" Said a beautiful woman with long red hair, tall furry ears, and nine red tails as she saw Elif approaching her, though she froze when he passed by while ignoring her.

"Grr, lucky bitch." Muttered the woman angrily with a growl as she followed Elif's figure, only to glare at Elaine, whom Elif had picked up in his arms like a Princess.

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