Chapter 61

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My days were just running into each other at this point. I was put in a psych ward on a 24 hour hold. I now have a case against me because I attacked a nurse and she's pressing charges. My girls were taken away from me and I've just became this all around monster!

I hadn't slept in days, I cried and cried and cried. No matter how much I cry or scream it's like my life is still stuck in one spot.

This has to be what hell is like!

How did my life even get to this point?

Dream Jones! I heard my name being called. I looked up and a CO was at the door. I stood to my feet but it's like they wouldn't move. My brain told me to run out the door but my hard pushed me towards the CO. "Are you coming or what?" He asked irritated.

I nodded my head and finally moved my feet. I took a deep breath as he took me into a room. It was a square table in the middle of the floor with 4 grey walls.

I sat down placing my hands on the table. "Hi!" I said finally speaking in a shakey voice. I had tears in my eyes and they danced on my tongue. Demons eyes were filled with so much anger, hurt, frustration, and HATE! As he looked at me. He was chained from the hands to the waist to his feet.

I know you must hate me...
He huffed his breath, biting his lip turning his head as if every time I spoke it hurted him. The veins on his neck popped out as he tried hard to restrain his self.

Why did you do it Demon? I almost died! I started to cry looking at him. He just started at me not dying anything. "Why? What did I do to you?" "I'm fuckin messed up in the head!!" I yelled at him through my tears and he laughed a bit. I snatched the pictures out the envelope slapping them on the table revealing how terrible I looked as the night replayed in my head.

You tried to kill me! Why? Look at what you did to me! I screamed shoving the pictures in his face hitting him repeatedly. "I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" I screamed.

If I wanted to kill you, you wouldn't be alive to had ran yo fuckin mouth. If I wanted to kill you I'd slip out of these handcuffs just like this! He snatched his hands out the cuffs flipping the table over bum rushing me to the wall choking me. "IF I WANTED TO FUCKIN KILL YOU I WOULD HAVE!" He yelled in my face as his grip grew tighter and tighter. I couldn't breathe, I scratched at his hands trying to hit him for him to let me go his grip just grew tighter. "I should end yo fuckin life right here, right now!" He whispered deeply in my ear.

He dropped me and I fell to the ground hard as hell gasping hard for air. He went and sat back in his chair like he didn't just do anything.

You wanted a relationship with me! I did it!
You wanted labels? I gave them to you.
You wanted to get married? I proposed.
You wanted kids? I gave you two.
You claim you didn't fuck me over? K! Coo!
You begged me to take you back time after time after time! Guess the fuck what I did!
You wanted to move in and raise kids in a two parent household, I agreed and made it happen for us.
You was scared of a muthafucka raping you and did yo mom wrong. I FUCKIN TOOK CARE OF THAT!
I lost a fuckin kidney something I need to live. It's cool!I NEVER wanted your kidney and you begged me to take it. I took it cause I thought you was my wife.
I begged you to let me finally love you. You show the beauty in you, and you gave me your ass to kiss!
I tell you one thing, one fuckin thing not to do. I wine and dine you, I gave you whatever you wanted in this fuckin world. I took care of you mentally, emotionally, physically, and most importantly spiritually!
I never not once ever thought about cheating on you or doing you wrong.....
You wanted a divorce? I signed the papers.
You go on dates with niggas. I still didn't do anything.

YOU FUCKIN RAN YO FUCKIN MOUTH TO HAVE ME EXECUTED LIKE I DIDNT MEAN SHIT TO YOU! LIKE I DONT HAVE TWO FUCKIN LITTLE GIRLS TO LIVE FOR. YOU BLAME ME FOR SOMEBODY BEATING YO FUCKIN ASS LIKE YOU DON'T KNOW MY FUCKIN BODY. I didn't love you, like I would put my fuckin hands on you ever no matter how bad you wronged me. You assumed it was me because you knew you was wrong, you knew you ran and did everything I got on yo ass about. You knew it'll piss me off so you claimed you was scared cause you knew if I found out I'd kill you and him. The funny part is I know exactly who did that shit to you.

And it's even funnier that she did it cause I turned her down. Because even though you was out here being the biggest whore that you are I still couldn't bring myself to fuck another bitch on you. Cause I loved you. (He stood to his feet.) I HOPE SHE COME AND FINISH YO ASS OFF! You may have think I did it or set it up to happen to you BUT THIS AINT MY WORK! I don't leave room for a bitch to talk. You lucky I don't wire yo jaw shut right now. It's not like I got shit to ever fuckin live for again. I'm in this bitch for years. Probably gonna get put on death row! (He laughed) But out of respect for my daughters ima spare you. (He bent down to me.) Cause I promise you on their lives when I get out of here, because I will get out of here. I am and I will kill you the slowest most painful way I could ever think of! He leaned in and kissed my forehead marking me with the kiss of death before standing to his feet to walk away.

Demon I'm sorry! He stopped in his tracks without turning back to face me. "I'm sorry! I made our lives a mess. I really thought you did this to me I was convinced it was you. I just wanted you to hurt worse than you hurt me. I wasn't thinking straight and I haven't been thinking straight Demon. " I ran in front of him. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I'll do anything in my power to stop this! I fucked up. I fucked up big I really did! I'll do anything in this world to
Make this right please!"

He looked me in my eyes with the most evil look ever. "You can never make this right!"

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