Chapter 21

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Lucius's Moral Quandary

Malfoy Manor, late evening. Rosetta is out with friends, and Lucius is alone in her study, the room dimly lit by a single lamp on her desk.

Lucius sat in Rosetta's study, the stillness of the manor enveloping him. The light from the lamp cast a soft glow on the neatly arranged desk, illuminating the scrolltop that held Rosetta's emails. He stared at it, his mind a whirl of conflicting emotions.

He knew Rosetta was out with friends, enjoying a much-needed break from the wedding planning and the recent stress brought on by Daniel's unexpected email. But while she was out laughing and chatting, Lucius found himself consumed by a gnawing sense of doubt and jealousy.

His fingers drummed lightly on the desk as he debated with himself. The urge to snoop through her emails was strong, almost overpowering. What if Daniel had sent more messages? What if there was something Rosetta wasn't telling him? The thought made his stomach churn.

Lucius took a deep breath, trying to steady his racing thoughts. He knew that invading Rosetta's privacy would betray her trust, a trust he had worked so hard to build. She had been open with him about Daniel's email, showing him the message despite knowing it would upset him. Could he risk losing that trust for the sake of his own insecurities?

He closed his eyes, the memory of her reassuring words playing in his mind. "You're not going to lose me. I'm with you. I love you." She had spoken with such conviction, such sincerity. Yet the doubt lingered, like a persistent shadow.

His hand hovered over the scrolltop, the temptation almost unbearable. What if Daniel's intentions weren't as innocent as he claimed? What if he was trying to win Rosetta back? The thought of losing her, of seeing her with another man, was too much to bear.

Lucius gritted his teeth, his internal struggle intensifying. He knew that Rosetta valued her independence and privacy. She had been clear about the boundaries she needed, and he respected her for it. But the jealousy, the fear of losing her, was like a poison eating away at him.

Finally, with a heavy sigh, he withdrew his hand. He couldn't do it. He couldn't betray her trust like this. He loved her too much to risk damaging what they had built together. He had to believe in her, in their relationship.

Lucius stood up, pushing the chair back with a scrape. He needed to find another way to address his fears, to reassure himself without crossing the line. Perhaps it was time for another conversation with Rosetta, a chance to express his insecurities and find solace in her words once more.

As he left the study, his mind was still plagued with doubts, but he felt a sense of resolve. He would fight his demons, not by giving in to them, but by trusting in the woman he loved.

And as he walked through the quiet halls of Malfoy Manor, he silently vowed to never let his jealousy and fear undermine the trust and love that he and Rosetta shared. It was a promise he intended to keep, no matter how difficult it might be.

Reunited and Rewarded

Malfoy Manor, late evening. Rosetta returns from an evening out with friends and finds Lucius in their bedroom.

Rosetta walked through the door, her cheeks flushed from the evening's fun. She spotted Lucius sitting in an armchair, lost in thought. As soon as she saw him, a wide smile spread across her face.

"Daddy," she called softly, her voice filled with warmth. "I missed you so much tonight."

Lucius looked up, his expression softening at the sight of her. "I missed you too, Princess," he said, standing up to meet her.

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