Chapter 78

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Checking in with Dr. Vale

Lucius and Rosetta sat in Dr. Vale's office, the atmosphere charged with anticipation and the unspoken tension of recent events. Dr. Vale, always the picture of calm and control, observed them with a keen eye, his curiosity masked by a veneer of professionalism.

"Congratulations on your new addition," Dr. Vale began, his voice smooth and measured. "I trust mother and child are both doing well."

Rosetta offered a polite smile. "Thank you, Dr. Vale. Damian is healthy and thriving."

Lucius nodded, his expression more guarded. "We appreciate your discretion and professionalism, Dr. Vale. However, there is something we need to discuss."

"Of course," Dr. Vale replied, leaning forward slightly. "What would you like to address?"

Rosetta took a deep breath, her eyes meeting Dr. Vale's with a steady gaze. "We want to ensure that nothing you witnessed during the ritual will come up in our sessions unless we explicitly wish to speak about it. That event crossed the boundaries between professional and personal."

Dr. Vale nodded thoughtfully, choosing his words with care. "I understand your concerns. My presence at the ritual was purely to gain a deeper understanding of your dynamics and the forces at play in your lives. However, it is essential to discuss these experiences to comprehend their impact fully."

Lucius's eyes narrowed slightly. "What exactly do you wish to discuss, Dr. Vale?"

Dr. Vale leaned back, maintaining his composed demeanor. "The intensity of the scene, for instance. Why did you feel it was necessary to take it so far, Lucius? Understanding this could provide valuable insights into your motivations and the strength of your bond."

Before Lucius could respond, Rosetta interjected, her voice firm and protective. "It was for our personal goals. We have our reasons, and I wish everyone would stop making such a big deal about it."

Dr. Vale held her gaze, sensing the underlying tension. "I appreciate your candor, Rosetta. It's clear that your bond is unique and powerful. My intention is not to pry but to understand better and support you in your journey."

Lucius relaxed slightly, his expression softening as he glanced at Rosetta. "We trust you, Dr. Vale. But we also need to maintain some boundaries. Our personal rituals are deeply private."

Dr. Vale nodded in agreement. "I respect that. Our sessions will remain focused on what you wish to explore and discuss. However, if at any point you feel the need to delve into the events of the ritual, know that it can be a safe space to do so."

Rosetta looked at Lucius, who gave a subtle nod. She then turned back to Dr. Vale, her resolve evident. "Thank you, Dr. Vale. We will keep that in mind. For now, let's focus on what we need to address moving forward."

Dr. Vale smiled, a hint of satisfaction in his eyes. "Of course, Rosetta. I'm here to support you both in any way I can."

Rosetta took a deep breath, glancing at Lucius before turning back to Dr. Vale. "There's something else we need to discuss. We've decided to bring Mattheo into our private circle."

Dr. Vale's eyes widened slightly, caught off guard by the revelation. He quickly masked his surprise, leaning forward with renewed interest. "Mattheo Riddle? That's quite a significant decision. What prompted this choice?"

Lucius interjected, his voice steady and authoritative. "Mattheo has proven himself to be loyal and dedicated. He has also been instrumental in Rosetta's political campaigns. His inclusion strengthens our bond and ensures our goals remain aligned."

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