Chapter 80

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An Idea

Dr. Vale's office, a sophisticated space with dark wood furnishings, a large bookshelf filled with medical and psychological texts, and the soft lighting creating a calming ambiance. Rosetta sits on a plush chair opposite Dr. Vale, feeling a mixture of anticipation and curiosity.

Dr. Vale leaned back in his chair, his eyes studying Rosetta intently. "I notice you're wearing a different perfume today," he said, his tone casual but his gaze penetrating.

Rosetta raised an eyebrow, surprised. "How could you possibly know that from where you're sitting?"

Dr. Vale smiled slightly, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "I have a very keen sense of smell. The scent you usually wear has notes of vanilla and jasmine, subtle and warm. This one is more floral, with hints of rose and bergamot. It's quite a departure from your usual choice."

Rosetta shifted in her seat, feeling both flattered and unnerved by his observation. "I didn't think anyone would notice. You must have an extraordinary sense of smell."

"It's a gift," he replied, his voice low and smooth. "In my line of work, being attuned to the smallest details can be very useful. For example, I can tell when you've had sex with Lucius before our sessions."

Rosetta's eyes widened, her heart skipping a beat. "That's... quite an observation."

Dr. Vale leaned forward slightly, his gaze never leaving hers. "The scent of sex is unmistakable, a mix of pheromones and natural scents that linger on the skin. It's not something most people would notice, but I'm not most people."

Rosetta felt a shiver run down her spine, a mix of discomfort and intrigue. "And why bring this up now?"

Dr. Vale smiled, his expression enigmatic. "It's all part of understanding you better, Rosetta. Scent is a powerful trigger for memories and emotions. It can tell me a lot about your state of mind and your relationship dynamics."

Rosetta considered his words, feeling a strange sense of exposure. "So, what does my change in perfume tell you?"

He studied her for a moment, his eyes thoughtful. "It suggests you're in a different state of mind today. Perhaps seeking a change, wanting to present a different aspect of yourself. It's a subtle way of expressing something deeper, something you might not even be consciously aware of."

Rosetta found herself both impressed and unsettled by his insight. "You're very perceptive, Dr. Vale."

"It's my job to be," he replied smoothly. "Tell me, Rosetta, why did you choose this new scent today?"

Rosetta hesitated for a moment, then took a deep breath. "We performed a blood ritual last night. It was... intense. I wanted to feel different today, to distance myself from the intensity of what we did."

Dr. Vale's interest was piqued. "A blood ritual? Can you tell me more about it?"

Rosetta found herself nodding, the words spilling out before she could stop them. "It was something Lucius and I decided to do to deepen our bond. We invoked Astaroth and offered our blood as a sign of our commitment. There was a lot of... physical intensity involved."

Dr. Vale leaned forward slightly, his eyes fixed on hers. "Physical intensity? How so?"

She swallowed, feeling a mix of vulnerability and a strange compulsion to share. "We cut ourselves, mixing our blood. Then we... we made love, drawing on the power of the ritual. It was more than just sex; it was like we were merging our souls, our very beings."

Dr. Vale's gaze remained steady, his voice low and encouraging. "Go on."

"It was dark, primal," Rosetta continued, her voice trembling slightly. "Lucius was... dominant, more so than usual. There was a lot of pain, but also a lot of pleasure. The whole experience was overwhelming. By the end, we were both covered in blood, and it felt like we had transcended our physical forms."

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