Chapter 91

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The Playroom in Malfoy Manor

Lucius Malfoy stood in the spacious living room of Malfoy Manor, his eyes on his young son Damien who was playing with a set of enchanted building blocks. His phone buzzed, and he glanced at the message from Rosetta. It was unexpected, yet intriguing.

Rosetta's Text: "Let Trixie put Damien down for a nap at his usual time. Then go to our playroom and sit patiently in the chair that's waiting for you. Do as you're told."

Lucius frowned slightly, a mix of curiosity and confusion crossing his face. He didn't understand what Rosetta was up to, but he trusted her. He called for Trixie, the house elf, and instructed her to put Damien down for his nap at the usual time.

Once Damien was settled, Lucius made his way to the playroom. The room was dimly lit, filled with an array of objects that hinted at the more intimate side of their relationship.

In the center of the room was a high-backed chair, clearly placed there with purpose. Lucius took a deep breath and sat down, his mind racing with questions.

Minutes ticked by, and just as his patience began to wear thin, the door opened. Rosetta stepped in, her eyes locking onto his. She was dressed elegantly, yet there was a commanding presence about her that made Lucius's pulse quicken.

"Rosetta," he began, his voice edged with frustration. "What is this about? What are you up to?"

She approached him slowly, a smirk playing on her lips. "We're going to play a game, Lucius. And you are going to be a very good boy for me."

Lucius's eyes narrowed, a mixture of suspicion and intrigue flashing across his face. "A game? What kind of game?"

Rosetta stood before him, her gaze unwavering. "One that will help me determine if you're telling the truth. You've been very stressed lately, and I think a bit of fun will help us both."

Lucius leaned back in the chair, his eyes never leaving hers. "And what do you need me to do?"

"First," she said, stepping closer and placing a hand on his shoulder, "you need to trust me. Do you trust me, Lucius?"

He nodded slowly, his eyes searching hers. "Yes, I trust you."

"Good," she murmured. "Then you'll follow my instructions without question. This is about honesty and trust, Lucius. I need to know that you are fully committed to this, to us."

Lucius swallowed hard, the tension in the room palpable. "What do you want me to do?"

Rosetta's smile widened, and she leaned in, her lips brushing his ear as she whispered, "I want you to submit to me. Completely. Show me that you have nothing to hide."

He felt a shiver run down his spine at her words, a mix of anticipation and apprehension filling him. "And if I do?"

"Then I'll believe you," she replied softly, pulling back to look into his eyes. "And we can put this whole mess behind us. I contacted an old family friend this morning and he gave me this. Veritaserum. I hope you answer my questions honestly because if I see signs of deception, you'll be drinking this and there will be no limit to my intrusion."

Lucius's eyes widened slightly, but he nodded. "I understand."

Rosetta stepped back, giving him space to stand. "Strip down to your trousers only."

He complied, removing his remaining clothes until he stood before her in just his black trousers. Rosetta grabbed a length of silken rope, and with practiced ease, she tied him to the chair, ensuring his arms were securely fastened to the armrests and his legs to the chair legs.

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