Chapter 76

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Aftermath Conversation: A New Alliance

Later that evening, as they all relaxed in the living room of the Manor, the atmosphere was noticeably lighter. Rosetta, still glowing from the intensity of the evening, leaned against Lucius, who wrapped a protective arm around her. Mattheo sat opposite them, looking more at ease than he had in a long time.

Lucius broke the silence first. "Tonight was... intense, but necessary. We needed to know we could trust you, Mattheo. And you showed us that we can."

Mattheo nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "I appreciate the opportunity. I won't let you down."

Rosetta, feeling more comfortable, asked, "So, Mattheo, do you have any questions or concerns after tonight? This is a significant shift in our relationship."

Mattheo hesitated, then leaned forward. "I do have one question. Will I ever get to... dominate you, Rosetta?"

Rosetta exchanged a glance with Lucius before responding. "Mattheo, our dynamic is complex. I don't want to say never, but for now, our roles are clear. Lucius is the dominant one in our relationship, and I am his submissive. But that doesn't mean we can't explore different dynamics in the future, as long as everyone is comfortable and consensual."

Lucius nodded in agreement. "It's about trust and respect. Tonight was a step towards building that with you. If Rosetta ever feels the desire to change things up, we'll discuss it as a team."

Mattheo seemed satisfied with that answer. "I understand. And I'm here for whatever you both need. I want to be a supportive ally."

Rosetta smiled warmly. "Thank you, Mattheo. That means a lot to us. And just so you know, we didn't take tonight lightly. We discussed it at length and made sure it was the right decision for all of us."

Mattheo nodded again, his respect for them evident. "I appreciate that. It felt... right, in a way. Like it was meant to happen."

Lucius leaned back, his expression thoughtful. "It was. This alliance will strengthen all of us. But we need to set some boundaries. Communication is key. If at any point any of us feels uncomfortable or unsure, we need to speak up."

Rosetta added, "And that goes for outside of our... private moments as well. In the office, in public, we need to maintain professionalism. What we do behind closed doors is separate from our professional lives."

Mattheo agreed. "Of course. I'll respect that completely. And, if I'm being honest, I'm relieved to have this level of transparency. It makes everything clearer."

Lucius smiled, the tension of the evening finally dissipating. "Good. Then we're all on the same page. This is a new chapter for all of us, and I'm confident it will be a successful one."

As they settled into a more relaxed conversation, discussing lighter topics and future plans, the bond between them felt stronger. They had navigated a challenging night and emerged with a renewed sense of trust and purpose, ready to face whatever came next together.

Introducing Mattheo as Rosetta's Chief of Staff

Rosetta sat in bed, a ScrollTop balanced on her lap as she tried to relax in her final days of pregnancy. The morning was peaceful, a stark contrast to the intensity of the previous night's passions. Lucius had brought her a tray of breakfast, and she appreciated his care and attentiveness. She was due to give birth the next day, and the anticipation weighed on her mind.

As she typed away, a knock at the door interrupted her thoughts. Lucius opened it to reveal a tall, handsome man with striking blue eyes and dark, wavy hair. Mattheo, her newly appointed Chief of Staff and close partner, entered the room with an air of confidence and purpose. He carried a stack of documents and wore a look of determination.

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