Chapter 62

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Campaign Office

Rosetta and Lucius arrived at the campaign office, the tension between them thick and palpable. As they walked through the doors, the staff fell silent, sensing the strained atmosphere. Rosetta's face was pale, her eyes red from crying, while Lucius maintained a stern, composed demeanor.

Mattheo, standing near the entrance, immediately noticed the tension. He approached Rosetta, his concern evident. "Are you okay?" he whispered, his eyes searching hers for any sign of what had transpired.

Rosetta forced a weak smile, her voice strained. "It doesn't matter, Mattheo. We need to get ready for the press conference."

Mattheo's eyes flicked to Lucius, then back to Rosetta. He nodded slowly, sensing that pushing further would be futile. "Alright, let's focus on that for now."

As they moved towards the conference room, the staff exchanged uneasy glances, whispering among themselves about the palpable tension between the Malfoys. Rosetta tried to shake off the oppressive feeling, but the weight of the morning's events clung to her.

In the conference room, Mattheo handed her a stack of notes. "Here are the key points for today. We've got to stay on message and keep things smooth."

Rosetta nodded, taking the notes with shaking hands. She glanced at Lucius, who was standing a few feet away, his eyes never leaving her. The dominance he had asserted over her still hung in the air, a silent reminder of their earlier confrontation.

Mattheo leaned in again, his voice low. "If you need anything, just signal me. We'll get through this together."

Rosetta managed a small nod, her mind racing. "Thank you, Mattheo. Let's just get this over with."

As the press conference began, Rosetta stood at the podium, forcing herself to focus on the task at hand. The room was filled with reporters, their cameras flashing, their pens poised to capture her every word.

She took a deep breath, glancing briefly at Lucius, then at Mattheo. Drawing strength from within, she began her speech, her voice steady despite the turmoil inside.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for being here today. I want to start by expressing my gratitude to everyone who supported our campaign. Together, we have achieved something remarkable..."

As she continued, she felt the weight of Lucius's gaze, a constant reminder of the morning's events. But she pushed through, determined to maintain her composure and fulfill her duties.

The press conference went smoothly, with Rosetta skillfully navigating the questions and presenting a strong front. But the tension between her and Lucius remained, a silent battle that would need to be addressed.

After the conference, Mattheo approached her once more. "You did great, Rosetta. Are you sure you're alright?"

She looked at him, her eyes filled with a mix of gratitude and resignation. "Thank you, Mattheo. But right now, it doesn't matter. We have a lot of work to do."

Mattheo nodded, understanding the unspoken message. "Alright. Just know that I'm here if you need anything."

Rosetta managed a small smile, her resolve hardening. "I appreciate it, Mattheo. Let's get back to work."

As they moved forward with their tasks, the tension lingered, a constant reminder of the challenges they faced. But Rosetta was determined to push through, to find her strength amidst the chaos and to continue fighting for her goals.

Malfoy Manor

The sun had set by the time Rosetta and Lucius returned to Malfoy Manor. The grand estate was bathed in the soft glow of twilight, but inside, the atmosphere was cold and tense. Rosetta had barely spoken a word to Lucius since the morning's confrontation, and the silence between them was gnawing at him.

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