Chapter 84

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As Rosetta sat in the familiar leather chair of Dr. Vale's office, the hum of the city outside provided a distant backdrop. She took a deep breath, her thoughts swirling with the complexity of her relationships.

"Dr. Vale," she began, her voice steady but introspective, "I've been thinking a lot about the different faces I show to Lucius and Mattheo. It's like I have these two distinct personas, and sometimes I wonder which one is the true version of me."

Dr. Vale leaned forward slightly, his eyes attentive and inviting. "Tell me more about these personas, Rosetta. How do you see yourself in these different roles?"

"With Lucius," she said, her gaze distant as she searched for the right words, "I am the submissive partner, the one who gives him everything he needs and desires. He calls me 'Princess,' and I revel in that role, surrendering to his dominance and finding strength in that vulnerability. Our relationship is intense, almost primal. He brings out a side of me that is fiercely loyal and deeply connected to our shared goals and ambitions."

Dr. Vale nodded, encouraging her to continue.

"Then there's Mattheo," she went on, her tone softening. "With him, I am more nurturing, more gentle. He calls me 'Babe,' and I feel a different kind of love with him. It's softer, more tender, but still passionate. I take on a more dominant role, guiding him and providing the emotional support he needs. It's like I become his protector, and in doing so, I feel a different kind of power."

Dr. Vale regarded her thoughtfully. "And how do you reconcile these two roles within yourself? Do you feel one is more authentic than the other?"

Rosetta sighed, her brow furrowing. "That's the difficult part. Both feel incredibly real to me, and both bring out aspects of my personality that I value. But sometimes, I feel like I'm torn between these two versions of myself. It makes me question which one is truly me."

Dr. Vale leaned back, his expression contemplative. "It's not uncommon to embody different facets of oneself in different relationships. What's important is understanding how these roles serve you and what they reveal about your core identity. Do you feel any conflict or tension between these roles?"

She nodded slowly. "Yes, sometimes. There are moments when I feel the weight of these dual identities, and it can be exhausting. I wonder if I'm being true to myself or if I'm simply adapting to what they need from me."

Dr. Vale's gaze was steady. "It's a complex balance, but it sounds like both roles are integral parts of who you are. Perhaps it's not about choosing one over the other, but rather integrating these facets into a cohesive whole. Have you considered how these roles might complement each other rather than conflict?"

Rosetta pondered his words. "I suppose they do complement each other in a way. With Lucius, I find strength in submission, and with Mattheo, I find power in nurturing. Maybe the true version of me is someone who embodies both these aspects."

Dr. Vale nodded, finding it refreshing how open she was with him. "It's not often I encounter someone who can articulate their feelings so candidly. It makes our sessions far more productive. And now, with my gift, I can tell when someone is being truthful. Your honesty is something I deeply appreciate."

Rosetta smiled faintly. "I trusted you even before the ritual, Dr. Vale. There's something about you that makes it easy to open up. I may not always be sure of your intentions, but I've never felt that you mean me any ill will."

He regarded her thoughtfully. "That's reassuring to hear, Rosetta. Trust is the foundation of any therapeutic relationship, and knowing that you feel comfortable with me is crucial. My intentions have always been to help you understand yourself better and to support you in your journey."

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