Chapter 58

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The Day Before the Polls Open

The day before the polls opened, the atmosphere was electric. The air was thick with anticipation and tension as the final rally for Rosetta's campaign was about to begin. The end was in sight, and Rosetta knew she just had to stay focused for a little longer.

Backstage, the team was bustling with activity, setting up equipment and making last-minute adjustments. The Berkshires were there, as always, their presence a constant reminder of the manipulations and strategic pressures that had been a part of the campaign from the beginning.

Rosetta stood off to the side, taking deep breaths and trying to calm her nerves. Lucius was by her side, his presence a comforting anchor. Though they didn't speak aloud, their eyes communicated everything they needed to say.

You can do this, Lucius's gaze seemed to say, filled with pride and encouragement.

I know, Rosetta replied silently, her eyes reflecting both determination and a touch of anxiety. I just have to stay focused.

The Berkshires approached, their expressions as calculating as ever. Blair smiled, though it didn't quite reach her eyes. "Rosetta, remember the key points we've discussed. This is your last chance to sway the undecided voters."

Lorenzo nodded, his tone smooth but insistent. "Stick to the script. We've laid out a strong message. Trust the plan."

Rosetta nodded, though internally she felt the weight of their expectations pressing down on her. She glanced at Lucius again, seeking reassurance.

They're always so demanding, her eyes conveyed, a flicker of frustration passing between them.

You know what's best, Lucius's look was firm, encouraging her to trust her instincts.

Mattheo joined them, his expression serious. "It's time, Rosetta. Are you ready?"

She took a deep breath, feeling the tension in her shoulders but also the resolve in her heart. "Yes, I'm ready."

As they moved toward the stage, Lucius squeezed her hand gently, his silent support giving her strength. I'm right here with you.

Rosetta stepped out onto the stage, the roar of the crowd washing over her. She smiled, waving to the supporters who had gathered, their energy infectious. She began her speech, sticking to the key points but also letting her genuine passion and belief shine through.

As she spoke, she could see the faces in the crowd, the hope and belief in their eyes fueling her determination. She glanced backstage where Lucius stood, his eyes never leaving her.

You're doing great, his expression was one of unwavering support.

Rosetta continued, her voice strong and clear. "This campaign has been about more than just policies. It's about people, about families, about our community. Together, we can create a future where everyone has a chance to thrive."

The crowd erupted in applause, and Rosetta felt a swell of pride and relief. She had made it through the final speech, and now all that was left was to see the results of their hard work.

As she left the stage, the Berkshires were there, their expressions more approving than usual. "Well done, Rosetta," Blair said, a rare note of genuine praise in her voice.

Lorenzo nodded. "Yes, you handled that beautifully. Now we just have to wait and see."

Rosetta nodded, feeling the exhaustion of the day settling in. She walked over to Lucius, who enveloped her in a warm embrace. "You were incredible," he whispered, his voice filled with pride.

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