Chapter 82

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Suspicious Minds

Rosetta's intuition was sharp, and it didn't take long for her to sense that Lucius and Mattheo were hiding something from her. One evening, after they had put Damian to bed, she cornered them in the sitting room, her eyes blazing with determination.

"Alright, enough," she said, her voice cold and controlled. "I know you two are up to something behind my back. Maybe Damian and I need to move to the east wing if my partners can't be honest with me."

Lucius and Mattheo exchanged nervous glances. Lucius was the first to speak, his tone conciliatory. "Rosetta, it's not what you think. We were just concerned—"

"Concerned about what?" Rosetta snapped, cutting him off. "Spare me the excuses and tell me the truth."

Mattheo sighed, stepping forward. "We've been looking into Dr. Vale. There's something about him that doesn't add up, and we were worried he might be a threat."

Rosetta's eyes widened in fury. "You've been investigating Dr. Vale behind my back? Without telling me? How dare you!" She handed Damian off to a house elf, her anger boiling over. "Whoever's idea this was, go get Dr. Vale and bring him here now."

Lucius and Mattheo hesitated, knowing the depth of her anger. Lucius finally spoke, his voice placating. "Rosetta, please understand. We did it to protect you."

"Protect me?" Rosetta's voice was a dangerous whisper. "Or control me? I will not be undermined in my own home. Go. Get. Dr. Vale. Now."

Mattheo nodded, seeing no point in further argument. "I'll fetch him," he said, and swiftly left the room.

Lucius reached out to touch Rosetta's arm, but she pulled away, pacing furiously. "This is not how we operate, Lucius. We are supposed to be a team, not hiding things from each other."

"I know," Lucius said softly, trying to soothe her. "We were just trying to keep you safe."

Rosetta stopped pacing and turned to face him, her eyes filled with betrayal and anger. "I don't need protection from you, Lucius. I need your honesty and your trust. Without that, we have nothing."

Lucius felt a pang of guilt, realizing the depth of her hurt. "You're right, Rosetta. I'm sorry. We should have come to you first."

Before Rosetta could respond, Mattheo returned, Dr. Vale following close behind, looking slightly bemused but curious.

"What is this about, Rosetta?" Dr. Vale asked, his keen eyes taking in the tension in the room.

Rosetta took a deep breath, trying to control her emotions. "Dr. Vale, it seems my partners have been investigating you behind my back. I need to know why, and I need to know now."

Dr. Vale raised an eyebrow, then turned to Lucius and Mattheo. "Is this true?"

Lucius stepped forward, his expression contrite. "Yes, it is. We had some concerns and thought it best to look into your background for any potential threats."

Dr. Vale's face remained impassive as he absorbed this. "I see. And what did you find?"

Mattheo answered, "Not much. Your records are impeccable, but there were some inconsistencies that raised our suspicions."

Rosetta turned to Dr. Vale, her eyes searching his. "And what do you have to say about this?"

Dr. Vale met her gaze steadily. "I understand their concern. Given the nature of our work and the secrets we share, it's only natural to be cautious. However, I assure you, Rosetta, my intentions are pure."

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