Chapter 13

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Descent into Obsession

As Rosetta walked out of her office, Lucius stood there, grappling with the painful reality of her rejection.

His mind raced, and instead of introspection, he felt a growing conviction that the problem wasn't him—it was her. The gnawing suspicion that she was seeing someone else consumed him, feeding his jealousy and paranoia.

Days turned into weeks, and Lucius's obsession with Rosetta deepened. He couldn't let go of the thought that she had moved on with someone else. He needed to know the truth, and the only way to do that was to watch her, to see for himself if his suspicions were correct.

Under the cover of darkness, he began staking out her apartment, positioning himself in shadows where he could observe without being seen.

He watched her come and go, noting every detail of her routine, every visitor, every moment she spent outside her home. The more he watched, the more his jealousy festered.

One evening, as he sat in his car parked discreetly down the street, he saw her return home with a man. Lucius's heart pounded in his chest, a mix of rage and despair surging through him. He watched as they entered her apartment, the door closing behind them.

His mind raced with dark thoughts. Who was this man? What did he mean to Rosetta? Lucius's grip tightened on the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white. He couldn't stand the thought of another man touching her, being close to her in ways he no longer could.

As the hours passed, his anger grew. He needed to confront her, to make her see that she belonged with him. But he knew he had to be careful. Another public outburst could ruin any remaining chance he had of winning her back.

The next morning, he returned to the manor, his mind still consumed with thoughts of Rosetta and the man he had seen. He barely slept, his dreams haunted by images of her with someone else. He knew he was losing control, but he couldn't stop himself.

That evening, he returned to her apartment, determined to get answers. He waited in the shadows, watching and waiting for the man to leave. When he finally saw the stranger exit the building, Lucius's rage reached its boiling point. He waited until the man was out of sight before making his move.

Lucius approached Rosetta's apartment, his heart pounding. He knocked on the door, his mind a whirlwind of anger and desperation. When Rosetta opened the door, she looked shocked to see him.

"Lucius, what are you doing here?" she asked, her voice filled with both surprise and apprehension.

"We need to talk," he said, his voice low and dangerous. "Who was that man, Rosetta? Are you seeing someone else?"

Her eyes widened in anger and disbelief. "This is none of your business, Lucius! You need to leave."

He stepped closer, his presence intimidating. "It is my business. You are mine, Rosetta. You can't just move on like it meant nothing."

She took a step back, her voice trembling with fury. "You don't own me, Lucius. Our relationship is over. You need to accept that and move on."

Lucius's eyes burned with jealousy and rage. "I can't just move on. Not when I know you're with someone else."

Rosetta's face hardened, her fear turning to resolve. "You need to leave, Lucius. Now. Before I call the authorities."

Realizing he was pushing her further away, Lucius took a step back, his anger simmering just below the surface. "This isn't over, Rosetta. I'll find out who he is, and I'll make sure he knows you're mine."

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