Chapter 70

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Rosetta sat across from Dr. Vale, her hands folded neatly in her lap as she tried to project an air of calm. But the sharpness in her eyes betrayed her irritation as Dr. Vale broached the subject of the scandalous photo with Mattheo.

"Rosetta," Dr. Vale began, his tone measured, "I've heard about the photo that surfaced, showing you and Mattheo Riddle in what some have called a compromising position. Was that incident misconstrued?"

Rosetta's eyes narrowed slightly, her frustration evident. "Of course it was misconstrued. I wasn't cheating on my husband. That photo was taken out of context."

Dr. Vale nodded, maintaining his calm demeanor. "I understand your frustration. Can you tell me more about what actually happened? Was there anything that might have been misconstrued?"

Rosetta took a deep breath, her jaw tightening as she recalled the events. "After a very volatile fight with Lucius, I sought comfort in Mattheo's arms. I was upset, vulnerable, and he was there for me. We almost... I almost made a grave mistake. But nothing happened."

Dr. Vale leaned forward slightly, his interest piqued. "When you say you almost made a grave mistake, what do you mean by that?"

Rosetta's gaze dropped to her hands, her voice quieter but still firm. "We were in his car, and emotions were running high. We were close to crossing a line, but we were caught before anything happened."

Dr. Vale's eyebrows lifted slightly. "Caught? By whom?"

Rosetta sighed, her irritation giving way to a sense of resignation. "The Bishops. They had a tracker on my phone. I found out later that my entire house had been under surveillance for a period of time."

Dr. Vale's eyes widened slightly, though he quickly masked his surprise. "That's quite invasive. How did you react when you found out about the surveillance?"

Rosetta's expression hardened. "I was furious. It was a gross invasion of my privacy. But I couldn't show it. I had to maintain a facade, pretend like everything was normal. It was one of the most difficult times in my life."

Dr. Vale nodded thoughtfully. "It sounds incredibly challenging. How did you and Lucius navigate through that period? Did it bring you closer, or did it create more distance between you?"

Rosetta's eyes softened as she thought about her husband. "It brought us closer, eventually. We had to confront our issues head-on. We had to rebuild trust, and that took a lot of time and effort. Lucius was as devastated as I was by the invasion of our privacy, and it made us realize just how much we needed to protect our relationship from outside influences."

Rosetta took a deep breath, her expression hardening slightly as she recalled the memory. "Lucius tried to force me into submission by using his influence over me. I felt betrayed by the way he used it against me."

Dr. Vale's brow furrowed in curiosity. "What do you mean by 'influence'? Can you be more specific?"

Rosetta's gaze dropped to her hands, her voice steady but tinged with frustration. "Lucius can be very convincing when he wants to be. He has a way of making me see things his way, of bending my will to his. It's not physical, but it's a form of control that can be just as powerful."

Dr. Vale's expression remained serious as he pressed further. "Are you saying he uses some form of manipulation or coercion? Does he ever physically hurt you?"

Rosetta shook her head firmly. "No, he doesn't physically hurt me. It's an influence of a different kind. It's like... he knows exactly how to push my buttons, how to make me feel small and compliant. And during that fight, he used it against me in a way that felt deeply wrong."

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