Chapter 11

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The Departure

As the week came to a close, Lucius informed Rosetta that he would need to leave for the weekend to visit Narcissa and Draco. The news unsettled her, a pang of jealousy stirring within her at the thought of Lucius spending time with his wife, even though he had assured her their relationship was purely formal now.

"I'll be back on Sunday evening," Lucius said, his hand gently caressing her cheek. "Remember what we talked about. Trust me."

Rosetta nodded, forcing a smile. "I understand, sir. Have a good trip."

He leaned in, pressing a tender kiss to her lips. "I'll miss you. I expect every message answered in a timely manner," he whispered, his voice filled with sincerity.

"I'll miss you too," she replied, her voice barely audible.

As Lucius drove away, Rosetta couldn't shake the feeling of unease. She spent the rest of the day in a haze, her thoughts constantly drifting back to Lucius and the possibility that there might still be feelings between him and Narcissa.

When she returned to her apartment, the silence felt oppressive. She tried to distract herself with work, but her mind kept returning to the same thoughts. By evening, her resolve had crumbled.

The Self-Destructive Weekend

Rosetta watched Lucius drive away, a heavy feeling of unease settling in her chest. The thought of him spending the weekend with Narcissa and Draco stirred a deep jealousy and insecurity within her. As she returned to her apartment, the silence felt oppressive. She tried to distract herself with work, but her mind kept returning to the same thoughts, fueling her anxiety.

By evening, she found herself reaching for a bottle of wine she had been saving. She poured herself a glass, the alcohol dulling the edges of her anxiety. One glass turned into two, then three. The weekend stretched out before her, an endless expanse of time she didn't know how to fill without Lucius.

By Saturday, she was deep into a spiral of self-destructive behavior. She ignored her usual routines, neglecting her meals and sleep. The spellphone Lucius had given her lay on the table, its messages unanswered. She couldn't bring herself to face him, even through a screen. Every buzz of the phone felt like a reminder of what she perceived as betrayal, and she refused to even look at his messages, feeling like he was a traitor.

Her apartment, usually a place of comfort, now felt like a prison. She spent hours lying on the couch, the television playing in the background, the empty wine bottles accumulating around her. Her thoughts were a tangled mess of jealousy, insecurity, and longing.

Sunday morning dawned, and Rosetta woke with a pounding headache. The remnants of her binge surrounded her, a stark reminder of her weekend. She felt a wave of shame and regret wash over her. Lucius would be returning soon, and she knew she couldn't let him see her like this.

By the time Lucius returned that evening, Rosetta had managed to put on a semblance of normalcy. She heard the door open and felt a rush of anxiety. Lucius walked into her apartment, his presence filling the room with a sense of calm she had missed desperately, but his eyes immediately narrowed as he took in the scene.

"Rosetta," he said, his voice tight with controlled anger. "Why didn't you respond to my messages?"

She looked away, her throat tight. "I couldn't," she muttered, her voice barely audible.

Lucius stepped closer, his expression hardening. "Couldn't or wouldn't?"

Her silence was answer enough. Lucius's eyes blazed with anger. "I gave you clear instructions, Rosetta. You were supposed to trust me and stay connected. Instead, you chose to ignore me and indulge in this... self-destructive behavior."

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